Saturday, November 20, 2010

With China Building Something...

...quite rapidly, this has gained a lot of attention, but I see this a no big deal at all.


First of all, the Chinese worker is not a free person with many personal rights at all but like a trained robot by the government.

Second, there are no unions which would protect workers from any form of abuse at all.

Third, putting up these buildings may be fast but the planning is NOT. Every single part of the project must be preplanned, every worker must know exactly what to do which takes practice, every part of the building must be laid out in a step by step manner.

Then the boss gives the go signal and with maybe hundreds of workers knowing exactly what do with exact plans to follow, all parts laid out in proper sequence for construction, then presto, there is a building almost like putting up a prefab building, or painting by the numbers, etc.

I say no big deal at all when every person and every part goes together as PREPLANNED.

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