Sunday, November 28, 2010

This China, Korea, U. S. Situation Is...

...getting very serious and anything can happen. North Korea is spoiling for a fight and China had better not back them up or all hell will break loose.

WikiLeak's Founder Julian Assange...

...says he will not do what the United States Government tells him to do and will release his latest Wikileaks data.

Wikileaks Founder, Julian Assange Is... it again, blowing his monster whistle.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Can Clothing Make You Sick?

Yes, the cloths you wear can cause you a lot of problems and sickness.

Why Has Gold And Silver...

...been going up and what does all this mean?

ATM Fraud Can Happen to Anybody... are some tips to help you avoid getting stung and ripped off.

How Much Money Is Owed To Germany's Banks...

...that they may never get back?

The Euro And Euro Zone... a flawed monetary system which probably will not survive. Each country in this system will probably go back to their own individual currency, eventually.

Is China's Economy Going To...

...crash and burn like the rest of the world economies?

Germany's Merkel Is In A Pickel...

...because the PIGS have been 'pigging out' and the cost of feeding them is way too much.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Dr. Blaylock Says Body Scanners...

...are more dangerous than the government is telling us.

Is The United States Going To War...

...with China. This is very serious stuff. Check this out yourself.

Germany's Merkel Says Europe...

...will survive their debt crises. They probably will, but not until all the banks fail that can't handle their own debt load. Germany, the strongest one of all of the European countries, can't possibly save everybody and serious problems face all of them for years to come. America will pull though all of this better than Europe because America still has the only reserve currency. America will print all the money they need to get through BUT America must stop all this reckless spending on big government programs.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sarah Palin Absolutely Will Not...

...take any crap from anybody. If she ever becomes our president, you can bet your boots, she'd do the same thing to any of our enemies who mouth off at us. I'd like to see her take on North Korea and Iran when they get mouthy.

Shocker: TSA Could Be Spreading...

...sexually transmitted diseases with all these very personal pat-downs.

Warning - Warning - Warning

Almost every person, every town and city, every state or province and almost every country, in the entire world is suffering from a very terrible disease and that disease is BORROWING MONEY and the United States Government is the sickest one of all.

What makes any person or any government think that going into debt will ever bring economic stability or security? It's never going to happen. Borrowing money, to try to overcome debt, is like a guy who tries to sober up, by drinking more booze. All you do is make a bad situation a lot worse.

When It Comes To Real Estate...

...what are the biggest lies they can tell you?

Is The FDA Trying To Destroy...

...the family garden and the family farm and control everything when it come to your food source?

What Is So Weird About...

...North Korea and it's leader.

Police State America?

Is that what is going on or what?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

If You Want A Dirt-Cheap Windows 7... can get copies here while they last.

The Vatican Finally Gives Catholics...

..permission to use condoms to prevent HIV and since the possibility of being infected ,when having sex with almost anyone, means they are finally free to use them at will, all the time. I find it sad and pitiful that so many people are controlled by the Pope, who is 'only a man' and not any person's god at all. One thing the Pope will never give to Catholics, is the truth about Jesus, but I will.

Sarah Palin Is Not The Only One...

..who cannot stand Katy Couric. A reporter is supposed to report just the facts and keep their own personal opinion out of it.

Are TSA Agents Feeling Up...

...females just for the sexual thrill of it all?

Are All These Wireless Gagets...

...killing people as they use them?

Is The European Union...

...and the Euro doomed to fail?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

When It Comes To The Pope And Condoms...

...I personally find it hard to believe that anybody would allow themselves to be ruled over by anyone, especially when it comes to sexual matters and self defense against diseases and simple birth control. To each their own religious beliefs but I am so glad that I am a Faithist and I only have to obey my own common sense and my own conscience. I converted from the Christian religion and this is my story.

America's Medical Health System... supposed to be the best in the world, BUT...

Can The FDA Be Trusted... do anything right for the American people?

Talk About Stupid...

...can't they at least stop molesting little kids?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Does Milk Cause Cancer?

Decide for yourself right here.

That Missile Fired Off...

...the west coast of America was definitely and probably a missile fired from a Chinese submarine as a warning to our government they don't like what we are saying about their CHEATING the whole world with their weak currency, that we support Japan in the problem about those islands, that we have ignored them and are getting buddy buddy with India, that we sell weapons to Taiwan and we support all human rights Chinese dissidents, to name a few of their gripes. Well isn't that just too bad that they can't control EVERYBODY.

Why Smart Guys Win

There were three morons and a smart guy, hanging onto a rope, attached to a flying airplane. One of the morons said, "One of us must let go of this rope or this rope will break." Then the smart guy said. "I will let go of the rope" At this point all three morons clapped their hands.

With China Building Something...

...quite rapidly, this has gained a lot of attention, but I see this a no big deal at all.


First of all, the Chinese worker is not a free person with many personal rights at all but like a trained robot by the government.

Second, there are no unions which would protect workers from any form of abuse at all.

Third, putting up these buildings may be fast but the planning is NOT. Every single part of the project must be preplanned, every worker must know exactly what to do which takes practice, every part of the building must be laid out in a step by step manner.

Then the boss gives the go signal and with maybe hundreds of workers knowing exactly what do with exact plans to follow, all parts laid out in proper sequence for construction, then presto, there is a building almost like putting up a prefab building, or painting by the numbers, etc.

I say no big deal at all when every person and every part goes together as PREPLANNED.

When It Comes To Computer Worms...

...this is one busy little squirmer.

Just Exactly, What Is...

...a Liberal?

Is The Democratic Party...

...going to disappear?

Friday, November 19, 2010

Somebody Posted That Reincarnation...

...was not in Oahspe and I had to respond to that.

Are We At War With China...

...or what is really going on.

Pat Condell Says... speech is sacred. I believe in free speech and freedom of religion and would bet that Pat Condell has never heard of the Faithist religion nor has he read Oahspe. His comments, I believe, has been directed to these man-god religions that have and still do cause problems all over the world.

Why Are Muslims...

...trying to tell US to 'Shut Up'! If you would read the Koran then would know why.

Do You Want Your Little Girl... start her periods at seven years old?

These Krazy Scientists...

...are really fooling with Mother Nature now.

Ever Since The Twin Towers...

...were destroyed, America and Americans have had to go to war in two countries, beef up homeland security, enlist help all over this world, trying to stop all kinds of terrorism from religious radicals but there has to be a better system than what we have now at airports.

If You Owe More Money....

...on your home, than it is worth. don't feel like the "Lone Ranger" Lots of people are in the same boat, being "under water" in their loans. Some of these people bought their homes at the TOP of a bull market in housing, just before they all started coming down and it will take many years for all of this to get sorted out, no doubt about that at all.

What should a person do, stick it out or just walk away?

WARNING: Is Europe Going to Crash...

...on December the 7th? Even talk of a run on banks, where people will panic and demand their money back could be self fulfilling. Banks will have NO CHOICE but to shut down and NOT give out any money at all until the panic goes away, if it ever does.

Do Worms Have Anything... contribute to world peace? I would say they sure do.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How Can You Tell...

...if a fruit or vegetable has been grown conventionally, is genetically modified (GMO) or if it was organically grown? You can tell by those numbers on those stickers they put on most fruits and vegetables.

1. If it is 4 numbers it is a conventional food - 4011.

2. If it is five numbers beginning with 8, it's GMO - 84011.

3. If it is five numbers beginning with 9, it's organic - 94011.

Who Is Killing...

...lots of people these days?

I Hope People...

...continue to realize the truth about GMO foods.

Does Milk Really...

...make for a healthy body? If milk was really necessary for a healthy body, how come cows don't drink milk? Same thing goes for meat. Cows are vegetarians and develop quite nicely on just grass but man kills the cow and gets the nutrition second hand. You will say it is not good for man to eat grass but since there are hundreds of grasses, it has been proven that wheat grass is extremely healthy for people.

Is This The Beginning...

...of the end to the European Union and the common currency, the EURO? I think
it is, because it was a bad idea in the first place. It does not make sense for a variety
of different nations, with different cultures, different languages, different political parties
and different leaders to have the same currency.

Germany Does NOT Want... bail out Ireland...and why should they?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Krugman Says Kill Those...

...old and sick people and save a bunch of money and tax the hell out of all of us.

He says it is the ONLY WAY.

He has never heard of reducing taxes to give people money to spend, which causes stores to run low on products and companies must hire people to make more products, which will put people back to work and he never heard of God's Diet either which will heal people, not kill them. Krugman is a typical liberal and tries to solve problems through destruction.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It Is Very Dangerous... live on our southern borders now and our government does not even care.

I Had a Dream...

...several years ago that China fired a missile off our east coast as a warning "shot across our National bow" to stay out of the Taiwan issue. A few days ago a missile was seen off our west coast and NOBODY knows what it was. Is it possible that China has done this to just SHOW US what they can do, UNDETECTED so close to the United States coastline?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010