Sunday, February 15, 2015

Gods' Judgement

[Note: This is being published, as a WARNING to all those of WEALTH and POWER, what awaits them upon death.  Additions in quotes are mine. ED]



1. ES said: The Voice [Jehovih] spake out of the light over the throne of God, saying:

2. Because, I admonished both, earth and heaven, saying: Whoso setteth up more than the I AM, shall be bound: And whoso hearkeneth unto them, and runneth after them, shall be bound unto them. And they heeded not my commandments, but made worshipful other Gods than Me, so shall they reap the harvest they have sown.

3. Because they drew the sword to establish themselves, they were bound by the sword.  [Christ, Allah, etc.]

4. Because they took upon themselves heavenly kingdoms, I bound them thereunto.

5. Because they professed salvation in the names of false Gods, I let them run their course; and, lo and behold, they have shown no salvation in heaven or earth.

6. They have built up kingdom against kingdom, standing army against standing army. Verily, they have brought judgment upon themselves.

7. Hear the words of Jehovih, O ye false Gods and Goddesses, who set up heavenly kingdoms against Me.

8. Who slew hundreds of millions of mortals, in order to make other names than Mine worshipful on earth and in the heavens thereof.

9. Ye, who cried out falsely: Behold me; I am the light and the life; through me is the way of salvation.

10. Ye, who have used your names to lead mortals and angels away from the Creator; saying of yourselves: Behold me, I am the Lord; I am God; my heavenly place is the all highest.

11. Behold, I had spoken in the olden times; I had said:

12. Whoso aspireth to be a king of the earth, or queen, or emperor, or ruler over a nation or people, and I give to him his desire, he shall be bound with the people of his administration. Neither shall he rise to My emancipated heavens, till he hath carried up with him every soul that he had dominion over. But he shall be bound unto that people in the first and second resurrection, until even the lowest of them are raised in wisdom and virtue and good works, sufficient for the grade of Brides and Bridegrooms to My etherean realms.

13. And if a king stretch forth his arm to subdue and annex other countries unto his own, suffer thou him to do so, for he is magnifying his bondage for the resurrection of the low.

14. And, thou shalt apply these rules unto all earthly rulers, be they kings, or queens, or emperors, or presidents, or governors, or legislators, or judges, or popes, or priests, or preachers, or whosoever presumeth to rule over, or to lead, or to exact servitude from others. And the term of the bondage unto them in the lower heavens shall be in proportion to the magnitude of their dominions.

15. But, to whomsoever attaineth dominion by the sword, or extendeth dominion by the sword, and by blood and death, his bondage shall be a hundred-fold.

16. And whosoever maintaineth his dominion by standing armies, thou shalt compute the number thereof, and to him and his high officers, the bondage in the lowest heaven shall be equal to ten times the number of soldiers thereof, and ten times the number of years of the servitude of the multitude of his armies.

17. For, whosoever taketh from My people for his own glory or dominion, shall render unto Me the just value.

18. Whosoever engageth in war, or leadeth in war, or is a captain, or a general, and causeth the death of whom I created alive, he shall not rise to inherit My emancipated heavens as long as there remaineth war upon the earth. But he shall toil in the lowest heavens of the earth to educate and raise up the drujas thereof, which shall be his labor.

19. And whoso hath great riches, and many servants, his resurrection shall be no faster than the resurrection of those that serve him.

20. And whoso hath great riches and yet no servants, but liveth for himself, thou shalt apportion his place in the first resurrection even according to the good he might have done, had he obeyed My commandments; and he shall do in heaven, what he neglected to do on earth. And he shall not rise to My emancipated heavens, until he hath appropriated according to that which I gave him into his keeping.

21. God said: The words that come out of man's mouth, even though they profess prayers and repentance, are of little avail before Jehovih. But the words that come out of good works done unto others to raise them up, are as the sound of a trumpet that reacheth beyond the stars.

22. For, in all ages of the world, there have been deceivers and hypocrites, with temples and churches to worship in, professing to serve the Creator, but, in fact, serving an idol.

23. And their priests and preachers speak good doctrines, but they practice them not, save a little, as a blind to lead the multitude astray.

24. And they live in fine houses, and fare sumptuously every day; and are skilled in oratory and in doctrinal precepts; but they will not go, and serve the poor, teaching them how to live.

Again the Voice spake, saying:

25. My judgments are upon those that profess Me, dealing out their pittance to the poor, whilst they themselves live above want. When such men die, and enter the first resurrection, they shall be handed over to those that are in darkness, and their bondage shall be a hundred-fold. For they preached words of righteousness with the mouth, but, in their behavior, they laid their foundation for the kingdom of hypocrisy. Verily, I give unto them the harvest that cometh of their own sowing.

26. These, then, have been My doctrines since thousands of years, and known unto you before ye deserted My kingdoms.

27. If such, then, by My judgments unto mortals who serve false Gods, how much greater, then, must be the penalty upon the false Gods, who set themselves up to establish these iniquities?

28. Hear ye, then, the judgment of Jehovih: Whosoever hath established the name of any God but the Creator, and made it worshipful on earth or in heaven, shall be bound on earth or in heaven, shall be bound in the first resurrection till that name is no longer worshipful on earth or in heaven.

29. And whatever God or Goddess hath said: Come unto me, ye that are heavily laden, and I will give you rest, for I am the way of salvation and of light and of everlasting life, then, that God or Goddess shall be bound in the first resurrection as long as mortals or angels go unto him or her.

30. Behold, as such a God called, and they answered unto him, so do I give unto both, the God that calleth, and the subject that runneth unto him.

For I give liberty even unto Mine enemies.

31. But, when a subject goeth to a God, and saith: Behold, thou hast said: Whither I go, I will call all men unto me, and I believed in thee, then that God shall not put him away.

32. Whilst Osiris was worshipped, I gave unto Osiris - the false.

33. Whilst Ashtaroth was worshipped, I gave unto her.

34. Whilst Baal was worshipped, I gave unto Baal.

35. But, when any of these Gods were no longer worshipped, behold, I gave them no more subjects.

36. As long as Brahma is worshipped, I will give unto him, who is before me.

37. As long as Buddha is worshipped, I will give unto him, who is before me.

38. As long as Kriste [Christ] is worshipped, I will give unto him, who is before me.

39. As long as Mohammedans are upheld on the earth, I will give unto him, who built up Mohammed.  [Allah alias Gabriel alias Thoth.]

40. And, when all of you have purified, and raised up all those who idolize you, in that same time, will I raise you up to higher heavens also.

41. Es said: And now, when the Voice ceased, and all was still, the false Gods and Goddesses raised up their heads, and they spake with one voice, saying:

42. Thou art just, O Jehovih. Unto thee do I now covenant that I will serve thee forever. Neither will I aspire to rise to higher heavens till I have raised up all whom I have led astray.

43. Make me strong, O Jehovih, in this my everlasting covenant!

44. Teach me, O Father, the labor I should do, that Thou shalt be glorified forever!

45. Thus ended the judgment. God's marshals removed them to the places alloted for them, and they went to work.