Sunday, June 24, 2012

Personal Privacy

Personal privacy is very important, especially in the bathroom, for just plain decency.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shocking Revelation

 Note: They keep changing the way links are handled on Blogger, so you may have to clink on the word "Esfoma" at the bottom if you are receiving this by email.
 Just about the time you think you got it all figured out, up pops more information.

Also available at:
User Name: esfoma
Password: redstarpp

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Economic Opportunity

Do you believe in free speech?  Our constitution says we have free speech and freedom of the press.  We have the right to voice our opinion about anything we want....FOR NOW!

But, what about the future?  Is our freedoms going to be taken away from us like it is in North Korea, or China or any other dictatorship around the world?  It can happen, right here in America, if the American people allow it to happen.

Where do you stand?  On the side of freedom or do you want to lick the boots of a dictator?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Immediate Karma!

If you are going to play a trick on someone, then someone will play a trick on you (or) what goes around, comes around (or) others will treat you as you treat them (or) do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

All of this is the Universal Law of Karma and it works because Jehovih is the one who handles all of it.  He figures that, well, this way you will know how the 'other guy felt' when you did something good or bad to them.