Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What Really Gets People Motivated?

If you have power over people and you wanted to really get them motivated to do their best on the job, how would you go about getting that done? 

Stand over them with a whip?

Offer them a bigger carrot for a better job?

Or just show them what has to be done and let them do it their way?

Friday, September 21, 2012

Important Notice

I am deliberately making sure that very few people ever visit this blog at this time.  This blog is being prepared for a special purpose later on.  Search engines cannot find this blog and it is not available to other members of Blogger.  Sometimes I get in a hurry and publish posts and I end up with typos and mistakes which I correct later on.


Friday, September 14, 2012

Pedal to the Metal

When I was a kid the saying 'Pedal to the Metal" simply meant to "Floorboard the Accelerator" in your car and go as fast as you could.

The FED has now said they will print as much money as they can (Pedal to the Metal) to save America, but the opposite is true, because it will trash the US dollar and cause inflation.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Killers of Humanity

It is hardly believable that there are those who REALLY ARE trying to kill you.

Monday, September 10, 2012

No Greater Friend

There is no greater friend, than one who will give their own life, to save someone else.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Amazing Sounds

It is a proven fact that cows give more milk when music is played in the barn and also it has been shown that plants grow much better when they are exposed to music.  But, what would happen if plants could produce music too?

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Underground Destruction?

I don't know what is really happening here but it is quite fascinating to research.

Going Through Life

When going through life there are many hazards that are encountered to just survive.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Mysterious Underground Explosions

In various places in America people are experiencing unknown underground explosions and NOBODY knows what is going on.  Is this the answer?

Sunday, August 26, 2012

CrackSafe Passwords

To coin a new word, CRACKSAFE, just how secure [cracksafe] is your password by using the best technology in use today?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Universal Desire For Freedom

Everybody wants freedom and everybody HATES to be controlled by anybody or anything.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mass Arrests Coming

According to David Wilcock at, mass arrests are beginning to happen against the people behind the greatest financial scandal to ever have been perpetrated against every single person on this planet.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Big Secret Exposed

The forces that control the world,do NOT want you to know, what is going on, as shown in this video.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Americans Are Going To War....

Against themselves here and here and here.   And sadly, this is only the beginning.  America was conquered a long time ago by foreign bankers and very few Americans understand what is really going on.  I have tried to warn you.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Destructive Spies

Do you want someone to know about everything you are doing in your own home 24/7/365?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Delicious Poison

There is no doubt that people are eating and drinking themselves to death because they are sucked into products [made by companies] who do not give a damn about your health at all.  Why in the hell any company would actually try to kill their own customers is beyond me.  I don't understand how anybody could be so evil and destructive to themselves and others.

I was raised to believe that so called "soft drinks" were actually O.K. to drink, but that is not true at all.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Big Questions and Big Answers

If we don't know who he is, should we have anything to do with him?

But this is the truth if you want it...Here 

And here:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Are We Conquered?

If you borrow money from a bank, for a mortgage, and you don't make payments, the bank will take your house away from you.


If a country borrows so much money, from a bank, that can never be paid back, does the bank take away your country?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012











It is illegal to heal ANYBODY in America.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Personal Privacy

Personal privacy is very important, especially in the bathroom, for just plain decency.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Shocking Revelation

 Note: They keep changing the way links are handled on Blogger, so you may have to clink on the word "Esfoma" at the bottom if you are receiving this by email.
 Just about the time you think you got it all figured out, up pops more information.

Also available at:
User Name: esfoma
Password: redstarpp

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Economic Opportunity

Do you believe in free speech?  Our constitution says we have free speech and freedom of the press.  We have the right to voice our opinion about anything we want....FOR NOW!

But, what about the future?  Is our freedoms going to be taken away from us like it is in North Korea, or China or any other dictatorship around the world?  It can happen, right here in America, if the American people allow it to happen.

Where do you stand?  On the side of freedom or do you want to lick the boots of a dictator?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Immediate Karma!

If you are going to play a trick on someone, then someone will play a trick on you (or) what goes around, comes around (or) others will treat you as you treat them (or) do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

All of this is the Universal Law of Karma and it works because Jehovih is the one who handles all of it.  He figures that, well, this way you will know how the 'other guy felt' when you did something good or bad to them.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Gun Rights

There are those who say we should take guns away from 'everyone' because guns are used to kill people SOMETIMES.  With that type of reasoning we should take cars away too because they kill people but worse yet, doctors kill thousands of people every year with drugs, so we should take drugs away from doctors for sure.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Virtual Life or Real Life?

Too often people go through their lives in some sort of dream world.  They watch the boob tube which is nothing but company propaganda. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Sneaky Politics

There are a lot of things going on that the Boob Tube will not tell you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Legal Molestation

It is total insanity to be suspicious of every single American, whether male or female of all ages, of being a terrorist.  They have even taken diapers off of babies looking for bombs.  We have been told to be suspicious of everyone.  What a hell this country has turned into.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Confessing His Sins

It always good to get things out in the open.

The U.S. Constitution

Our leaders have sworn to UPHOLD the Constitution of The United States, not trample it into the ground.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Innovation Forever

Like the old saying: "Invent a new type of mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door."  Anybody who thinks that no new ideas will come along will always be wrong.


Why is counterfeiting so bad?

Deliberate Destroyers

Are there people, organizations and companies actually trying to destroy America, the planet, the whole world?  It's a lot worse than you could ever imagine.  The average person who spends most of their time watching TV, going to movies and sports games are so stupid it is shocking. 

We Will Burn in Hell?

Some people are so screwed up they think everyone that does not follow them will  be destroyed.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dumb Farmer

When I was younger, I used to hear the expression: 'Dumb Farmer'.
I could not figure out why a farmer was dumb. Now that I am a lot older I can certainly see the reason why there are a lot of dumb farmers in America.

What kind of a farmer would destroy the very land he is farming? That's the type of farmer who does not work with nature, but actually works against nature. That is the kind of farmer who fertilizes with chemicals and tries to control 'weeds with herbicides' and 'insects with insecticides.'

What kind of a farmer would actually dump poison on his own land?

A dumb farmer.

What king of a farmer would dump chemicals on his land?

A dumb farmer.

A dumb farmer is the kind of farmer who thinks it is too hard to study the natural way to farm so he takes the 'quick and dirty' way to produce crops. Little does he care that his produce is much inferior than those who work with nature. Little does he care that the nutrition in his crops cheats his customers out of much needed nutrition. Little does he care that the insecticides on his crops are causing cancer and all manner of disease to his customers as long as he can make money at it.

He is so dumb that in the process of feeding his plants chemicals instead of organic soil nutrition he is actually producing plants that are so inferior in health that their natural immune system is too low to protect themselves from diseases and the dumb farmer has to use more chemicals and insecticides to even produce a decent crop.

This continues on and on until his soil is nothing but useless dust with no top soil at all and the first drought that comes along, nothing is grown and he and his farm is totally destroyed. Anyone who declares war against nature 'will be destroyed' because they have refused to work with nature.


War against Iran looks more and more a certainty.  This could be the Third World War that destroys all of us.  If Ron Paul is elected before this is pulled off, it probably will be stopped.  I am going to stick my neck out here and say that Ron Paul will be elected or his ideas will be elected. 

I had two dreams that support this.  In one I was shown that the momentum for him will increase as the year goes on.  In the second dream I was told by his enemies that he was going to win and they were VERY angry and as I walked away I said, 'No more wars.'

I have had other dreams that said that war was a real possibility and I had another dream that the United States will find a more peaceful way to solve this, so we will see what happens as time goes on.

Real Health

If you want to be healthy you have to know 'how' and have to know the right sources.

Monday, January 30, 2012

What's For Dinner?

Just exactly what have you been eating lately?

I have said it many times and I will say it again.

The only person you can trust is God, especially when it comes to the food you are eating.  If God made it, it probably is good for you but if man made it, it probably is NOT.  Companies would sell you horse shit if you would eat it.  They do not give a damn about your health, they just want your money.

They take away your money and they take away your health.

Get only organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc.  Stay away from all fast foods and factory foods because your very life is at stake.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Hell on Earth

If you think all of this is a joke, then the joke is on you.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What God is Supreme Over All Gods?

Since there is only one Creator of this universe, why are there so many different religions all arguing over who has the right way to eternal life?  There is 'no way' this single Creator would ever allow so many different religions to prosper, would He?  Well, He did.  Oahspe explains all of this. In the meantime, the arguing and fighting continues on and on.

One Dangerous Kid

This snake didn't stand a chance when this kid came along.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Middle East Red Line

The United States is forcing Iran into a situation where they have 'no choice' but to go to war.  Iran should have never told the world that they were going to destroy Israel and the United States... so Iran has forced America and Israel into this position in the first place.  Get ready for oil to sky rocket if this all plays out and this is going to be very nasty for the whole middle east.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Middle East Mess

What is really going on in the Middle East, anyway?

O.K., here is the truth.

In order to explain what is behind all these problems, I have to tell you about these man-gods and Jehovih.  It's a very long story which I have written in my book entitled:  'Looeamong Alias Christ', yet to be published.  Here is a brief summation.

Jehovih is the Creator of all humans.  After we die [get out of our bodies] we go on as spirit beings in the spirit world.  We go to schools, learn new things, have new experiences, new jobs, etc.  After many hundreds of years we advance to greater and greater responsibilities.

Eventually all of us become gods and lords over planets and parts of planets.  This happened to our planet just like it happens to all other planets and the universe is full of them.  In our case there were some lords who were supposed to be helping humans on earth deal with their problems but certain lords felt that Jehovih was just too gentle with humans and wanted to get a lot more aggressive....So basically they told Jehovih to 'kiss off' and decided to run the world their way.

They started off being 'buddy - buddy with each other' for awhile but eventually each one wanted to be the 'big cheese' over the whole earth and they started fighting each other for world domination.

Looeamong renamed himself Christ and started the Christian religion.  He had a warrior general named Gabriel.  Looeamong told Gabriel that when the wars were over he, Looeamong, would give Gabriel his own kingdom.  Well, after the wars were over, Looeamong double crossed Gabriel and just ignored him.  This really pissed off Gabriel and so he decided to start his own religion, Islam, called himself Allah and swore to destroy Looeamong and all Christians and Jews too.  Jews used to be Israelites [worshiped Jehovih] but they double crossed Jehovih and decided to call Jehovih a man-god instead of the Great Spirit. 

The Muslim leaders in Iran believe that their Saviour, the twelfth Imam, will only come if Israel is destroyed.  The Iranian leaders made a big mistake when they told the world that they were going to destroy Israel.  Now the United States is determined to keep Iran from getting the atomic bomb.

If war breaks out between the U.S. and Iran, will China and/or Russia get involved?  I don't think so.  All they will lose will be a source of oil and getting themselves 'blown to hell' over oil doesn't make sense.

Hopefully, Israel and the U.S. will find a different way to stop Iran.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Global Warming

A lot of people say that these climate changes we have been having are caused by us 'stupid humans' but Edgar Cayce predicted that this will be caused by a shift in the poles.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Global Spider Web

Whether you like it or not, there are a very 'few people' who are trying to rule the whole world.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What is a Faithist?

A Faithist is a person who believes that the Creator of the Universe is a Great Spirit that 'fills all space' and that everything in creation is a part of Him, including us.  He considers humans his 'babes' that were created for eternal life. 

We do not have to bow down to any man-god for eternal life because it is already our birthright.  As a result of this there is NO eternal damnation.  Our Heavenly Father would never allow any man-god to do such a thing to anybody, period.  Man-gods threaten people with eternal damnation to scare them into worshiping them.

Man-gods started all other religions except the Faithist religion which includes the Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist religions.

A Faithist believes that the Creator is NOT in the shape of a man but that all men and women are a part of Him including everything else in the universe.

A Faithist is a person who believes that all religions [except the Faithist religion] were started by 'high raised spirits' who rebelled against the Creator and started all other religions that have been warring against the Creator and each other for thousands of years.

The Faithist religion is the first religion ever taught to man and all other religions came after that.

Look at the world right now.  Look at all the trouble these man-god religions are causing even now.  Because of the religious conflicts going on in the middle east, we could have a third world war.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

3 Year Old Lion Tamer

With a little help from very thick glass.

Ron Paul Shocker

Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are running 'first' and 'second' in the primaries so far and "get this':  Ron Paul just defended Mitt Romney on a key issue.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Beyond Shocking

I have seen a lot of shocking videos about the FED, but this is a very graphic one about the horrible destructive force of the Federal Reserve which is illegal at best.

World Economy Destroyers

Would you like to know who is destroying the economy of the entire world?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

National Destruction

The United States is headed for fiscal destruction unless Ron Paul is elected president.  NONE OF THE OTHERS CAN SAVE US. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

WW III Potential

The United States is threatening war all over this planet.  I dreamed Gates had started a world wide war.