Oahspe says Esfoma means 'something in the wind', 'as things seem to indicate' and 'signs of the times'. That is the reason I call Esfoma "The Winds of Change". In other words, what's happening now?
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Ron Paul Racists?
Listen to what these black people say about that.
Ron Paul Delivers
There is a lot of misinformation about Ron Pauls' attitude towards black people.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Discerning Shopper
How many people actually figure out the tricks companies try to pull on shoppers? How many shoppers really buy into the latest "hot this" or "trendy that". Females get sucked into stuff like that more than guys (in my opinion) but some girls get smart pretty fast.
Talking It Out
People can solve a lot of problems by just 'talking it out'.
Monday, December 26, 2011
A Thoughts Cloud
What would happen if a 'thoughts cloud' was constructed to show how every person 'who has ever lived on earth' felt about all the problems facing mankind today.
What if you could go to every person who has ever lived and ask them what they thought about life on earth and what man has done to people on earth.
What if you could take all that information and summarize all of it and condense all of it in a single article.
Well, guess what, God has done that for you because He has heard all those voices and He tells you what they are thinking right here:
The Voice of Man
1. O Jehovih, what am I that I should supplicate Thee? Know I mine own weakness, or understand I the way of my thoughts? Thou hast placed before me most wonderful creations: They impress me, and my senses rise up in remembrance of the Almighty. Wherein have I invented one thought but by looking upon Thy works? How can I otherwise than remember my Creator, and out of Thy creations, O Jehovih, find rich food for meditation all the days of my life.
2. And yet, though I have appropriated the earth unto myself, I am not happy nor perfect withal. Misery and crime and selfishness are upon my people.
3. What is my weakness that I cannot overcome it? Or what is my strength that I succumb to the desires of the earth? I build up my belief and courage in Thee; but ere I know the way of my weakness, I stumble and fall. Am I made that I shall be forever a reproof to myself, and a censure to my own behavior?
4. How shall I say to this man or that: Be thou pure and holy, O man! Are not my flesh and blood proof that man cannot be without sin? O this corruptible self, this tendency to fall from the right way! Thou, O my Creator, hast proven before my senses every day of my life, that Thou alone art mighty in purity and truth.
5. O that I had a starting point wherefrom to estimate Thy wonderful decrees, or could find a road in which I should never stumble! But yet, O Jehovih, I will not complain because of the way of Thy works. Thou hast invented a limit to my understanding, whereby I am reminded of Thee, to call upon Thy name. I perceive my own vanity; that whereas were knowledge mine, I should become less beholding unto Thee!
6. What am I, O Jehovih, without Thee; or wherein shall I find the glory of Thy creations but by the light of Thy countenance? Thou broughtest me forth out of sin and darkness and clothed me in light. I behold the smallness of myself in Thy great works. Thou hast bound me to travel on the earth, to sojourn with beasts and all manner of creeping things; nor given me one attribute wherein I can boast over them, save in the power of destruction. The high firmament placed Thou above me; the stars and moon and sun! I know Thou hast been thither, but I am bound down in a little corner of Thy works! I have not power to rise up to Thy distant places, nor to know Thy extended heavens.
7. Nay, I have not power to shape my own size and stature; but all things take form and dimension whether I will or no. In Thine own way are built the walls of the world; by their magnitude am I confounded; by the majesty of Thy hand appalled. Why have I vainly set up myself as the highest of Thy works? My failures are worse than any other living creature under the sun. I cannot build my house in perfection like a bird's; my ingenuity cannot fashion a spider's net; I cannot sail up in the air like a bird, nor live in the water like the fish, nor dwell in harmony like the bee. The half of my offspring die in infancy; the multitude of my household are quarrelers, fighters, drunkards and beggars; the best of my sons and daughters are less faithful than a dog! I go forth to war, to slay my brother, even whilst Thy wide earth hath room for all. Yea, I accurse the earth with starvation and sin and untimely death. O that I could school myself to boast not of my greatness; that I should be forever ashamed in Thy sight, Jehovih!
8. But I will make a clean breast of my iniquities; I can hide nothing from the eye of my Creator. Hear me then, O Father!
9. I took up arms against my brother. With great armies I encompassed him about to despoil him.
10. His widows and orphans I multiplied by the stroke of my sword; the cry of anguish that came out of their mouths I answered by the destruction of my brother's harvests.
11. To my captains and generals who showed great skill in killing, I built monuments in stone and iron. Yea, I inscribed them from top to bottom with their bloody victories.
12. And in my vanity I called out to the young, saying: Behold the glory of great men! These great monuments I have builded to them!
13. And the youth of my household were whetted with ambition for spoil. The example of my hand made them train themselves for warfare.
14. To my colonels and generals I gave badges of gold. I called to the damsels, saying: Come, a great honor I give to you; ye shall dance with the officers of death!
15. And they tripped up on tip-toe, elated by the honey of my words! O Jehovih, how have I not covered up my wickedness; how have I failed to make the flow of my brother's blood the relish of satan!
16. To my destroying hosts I have given great honor and glory. In the pretense of enforcing peace I hewed my way in flesh and blood.
17. I made an igneous fatuous, a kingdom. I called out to my people, saying: We must have a kingdom. I showed them no reason for it; but I bade them take up arms and follow me for patriotism's sake. And yet what was patriotism? Behold, I made it as something greater than Thee and Thy commandment: Thou shalt not kill.
18. Yea, by the cunning of my words, I taught them my brother was my enemy; that to fall upon him and his people and destroy them was great patriotism.
19. And they ran at the sound of my voice, for my glory in the greatness of my kingdom, and they accomplished great havoc.
20. Yea, I built colleges for training my young men in warfare. I drew a boundary hither and thither, saying: This is my kingdom! All others are my enemies!
21. I patted my young men on the head, saying: Ye dogs of war! Great shall be your glory!
22. And their judgment was turned away from peace; I made them think that righteousness was to stand up for me and my country, and to destroy my brother and his people.
23. They built me forts and castles and arsenals without number. I called unto my people, saying: Come, behold the glory of my defences which I built for you!
24. And they gave me money and garrisons, and ships of war, and torpedos, shouting: Hurrah for our kingdom! We have faith in these things, but not in Thee, our Creator!
25. Thus I led them away from Thee. Their eyes I turned down in the way of death. By the might of my armies, I put away righteousness.
26. I covered the earth over with drunkards, and widows and orphans; to beggary I reduced them, but I whetted their pride by saying: Behold what great standing armies we have!
27. To the man that said: There shall come a time of peace, when war shall be no more forever, I mocked and said: Thou fool!
28. I know the counts against me, O Father. I cannot hide my iniquity from Thy sight. I have said war was a necessary evil to prevent a too populous world! I turned my back toward the wide, unsettled regions of the earth. With this falsehood in my mouth I stood up before Thee! Yea, I cried out as if for the righteous, saying: I war for righteousness, and for the protection of the weak! In the destruction of my brethren I stood as a murderer, pleading this excuse. Stubbornly I persisted in not seeing justice on the other side, whilst I cut down whom Thou hadst created alive. Above the works of Thy hand I raised myself up as a pruning knife in Thy vineyard.
29. Yea, more than this, I persuaded my sons and daughters that to war for me was to war for our Father in heaven. By my blasphemy led I them into ruin. And when the battle was over for a day I cried out: Behold the glory of them that were slain for the honor of their country! Thus have I added crime to crime before Thee, Jehovih; thus destroyed Thy beautiful creation. Verily, have I not one word in justification of my deeds before Thee!
30. O that I had remained faithful with Thee, Jehovih! But I invented Gods unto the glory of the evil one. In one place I called out to my sons and daughters, saying: Be ye Brahmins; Brahma saveth whosoever professeth his name. In another place I said: Be ye Buddhists; Buddha saveth whosoever calleth on his name. In another place I said: Be ye Christians; Christ saveth whosoever calleth on his name. In another place I said: Be ye Mohammedans; whosoever saith: There is but one God and Mohammed is his prophet! shall have indulgence without sin.
31. Thus have I divided the earth, O Jehovih! Into four great idolatries have I founded them, and into their hands put all manner of weapons of destruction; and they are become more terrible against one another than are the beasts of the forest. O that I could put away these great iniquities which I raised up as everlasting torments to the earth. Verily, there is no salvation in any of these.
32. Their people are forever destroying one another. They quarrel and kill for their respective religions; setting aside Thy commandment, Thou shalt not kill. They love their own nation and hate all others. They set aside Thy commandment, Love thy neighbor as thyself.
33. They preach and pray in sufficient truth; but not one of these people practiseth peace, love and virtue in any degree commensurate with their understanding. These religions have not saved from sin any nation or city on the whole earth.
34. In vain have I searched for a plan of redemption; a plan that would make the earth a paradise, and the life of man a glory unto Thee, and a joy unto himself. But alas, the two extremes, riches and poverty, have made the prospect of a millenium a thing of mockery.
35. For one man that is rich there are a thousand poor, and their interests are an interminable conflict with one another. Labor crieth out in pain; but capital smiteth him with a heartless blow.
36. Nation is against nation; king against king; merchant against merchant; consumer against producer; yea, man against man, in all things upon the earth.
37. Because the state is rotten, the politician feedeth thereon; because society is rotten, the lawyer and court have riches and sumptuous feasts; because the flesh of my people is rotten, the physician findeth a harvest of comfort.
38. Now, O Jehovih, I come to Thee! Thou holdest the secret of peace and harmony and good will amongst mortals. Give me of Thy light, O Father! Show me the way of proceeding, that war and crime and poverty may come to an end. Open Thou the way of peace and love and virtue and truth, that Thy children may rejoice in their lives, and glorify Thee and Thy works forever.
39. Such is the voice of man, O Jehovih! In all the nations of the earth this voice riseth up to Thee! As Thou spakest to Zarathustra, and to Abraham and Moses, leading them forth out of darkness, O speak Thou, Jehovih!
40. Man hath faith in Thee only; Thou alone wast sufficient in the olden time: Today, Thou alone art sufficient unto Thine own creation. Speak Thou, O Jehovih!
What if you could go to every person who has ever lived and ask them what they thought about life on earth and what man has done to people on earth.
What if you could take all that information and summarize all of it and condense all of it in a single article.
Well, guess what, God has done that for you because He has heard all those voices and He tells you what they are thinking right here:
The Voice of Man
1. O Jehovih, what am I that I should supplicate Thee? Know I mine own weakness, or understand I the way of my thoughts? Thou hast placed before me most wonderful creations: They impress me, and my senses rise up in remembrance of the Almighty. Wherein have I invented one thought but by looking upon Thy works? How can I otherwise than remember my Creator, and out of Thy creations, O Jehovih, find rich food for meditation all the days of my life.
2. And yet, though I have appropriated the earth unto myself, I am not happy nor perfect withal. Misery and crime and selfishness are upon my people.
3. What is my weakness that I cannot overcome it? Or what is my strength that I succumb to the desires of the earth? I build up my belief and courage in Thee; but ere I know the way of my weakness, I stumble and fall. Am I made that I shall be forever a reproof to myself, and a censure to my own behavior?
4. How shall I say to this man or that: Be thou pure and holy, O man! Are not my flesh and blood proof that man cannot be without sin? O this corruptible self, this tendency to fall from the right way! Thou, O my Creator, hast proven before my senses every day of my life, that Thou alone art mighty in purity and truth.
5. O that I had a starting point wherefrom to estimate Thy wonderful decrees, or could find a road in which I should never stumble! But yet, O Jehovih, I will not complain because of the way of Thy works. Thou hast invented a limit to my understanding, whereby I am reminded of Thee, to call upon Thy name. I perceive my own vanity; that whereas were knowledge mine, I should become less beholding unto Thee!
6. What am I, O Jehovih, without Thee; or wherein shall I find the glory of Thy creations but by the light of Thy countenance? Thou broughtest me forth out of sin and darkness and clothed me in light. I behold the smallness of myself in Thy great works. Thou hast bound me to travel on the earth, to sojourn with beasts and all manner of creeping things; nor given me one attribute wherein I can boast over them, save in the power of destruction. The high firmament placed Thou above me; the stars and moon and sun! I know Thou hast been thither, but I am bound down in a little corner of Thy works! I have not power to rise up to Thy distant places, nor to know Thy extended heavens.
7. Nay, I have not power to shape my own size and stature; but all things take form and dimension whether I will or no. In Thine own way are built the walls of the world; by their magnitude am I confounded; by the majesty of Thy hand appalled. Why have I vainly set up myself as the highest of Thy works? My failures are worse than any other living creature under the sun. I cannot build my house in perfection like a bird's; my ingenuity cannot fashion a spider's net; I cannot sail up in the air like a bird, nor live in the water like the fish, nor dwell in harmony like the bee. The half of my offspring die in infancy; the multitude of my household are quarrelers, fighters, drunkards and beggars; the best of my sons and daughters are less faithful than a dog! I go forth to war, to slay my brother, even whilst Thy wide earth hath room for all. Yea, I accurse the earth with starvation and sin and untimely death. O that I could school myself to boast not of my greatness; that I should be forever ashamed in Thy sight, Jehovih!
8. But I will make a clean breast of my iniquities; I can hide nothing from the eye of my Creator. Hear me then, O Father!
9. I took up arms against my brother. With great armies I encompassed him about to despoil him.
10. His widows and orphans I multiplied by the stroke of my sword; the cry of anguish that came out of their mouths I answered by the destruction of my brother's harvests.
11. To my captains and generals who showed great skill in killing, I built monuments in stone and iron. Yea, I inscribed them from top to bottom with their bloody victories.
12. And in my vanity I called out to the young, saying: Behold the glory of great men! These great monuments I have builded to them!
13. And the youth of my household were whetted with ambition for spoil. The example of my hand made them train themselves for warfare.
14. To my colonels and generals I gave badges of gold. I called to the damsels, saying: Come, a great honor I give to you; ye shall dance with the officers of death!
15. And they tripped up on tip-toe, elated by the honey of my words! O Jehovih, how have I not covered up my wickedness; how have I failed to make the flow of my brother's blood the relish of satan!
16. To my destroying hosts I have given great honor and glory. In the pretense of enforcing peace I hewed my way in flesh and blood.
17. I made an igneous fatuous, a kingdom. I called out to my people, saying: We must have a kingdom. I showed them no reason for it; but I bade them take up arms and follow me for patriotism's sake. And yet what was patriotism? Behold, I made it as something greater than Thee and Thy commandment: Thou shalt not kill.
18. Yea, by the cunning of my words, I taught them my brother was my enemy; that to fall upon him and his people and destroy them was great patriotism.
19. And they ran at the sound of my voice, for my glory in the greatness of my kingdom, and they accomplished great havoc.
20. Yea, I built colleges for training my young men in warfare. I drew a boundary hither and thither, saying: This is my kingdom! All others are my enemies!
21. I patted my young men on the head, saying: Ye dogs of war! Great shall be your glory!
22. And their judgment was turned away from peace; I made them think that righteousness was to stand up for me and my country, and to destroy my brother and his people.
23. They built me forts and castles and arsenals without number. I called unto my people, saying: Come, behold the glory of my defences which I built for you!
24. And they gave me money and garrisons, and ships of war, and torpedos, shouting: Hurrah for our kingdom! We have faith in these things, but not in Thee, our Creator!
25. Thus I led them away from Thee. Their eyes I turned down in the way of death. By the might of my armies, I put away righteousness.
26. I covered the earth over with drunkards, and widows and orphans; to beggary I reduced them, but I whetted their pride by saying: Behold what great standing armies we have!
27. To the man that said: There shall come a time of peace, when war shall be no more forever, I mocked and said: Thou fool!
28. I know the counts against me, O Father. I cannot hide my iniquity from Thy sight. I have said war was a necessary evil to prevent a too populous world! I turned my back toward the wide, unsettled regions of the earth. With this falsehood in my mouth I stood up before Thee! Yea, I cried out as if for the righteous, saying: I war for righteousness, and for the protection of the weak! In the destruction of my brethren I stood as a murderer, pleading this excuse. Stubbornly I persisted in not seeing justice on the other side, whilst I cut down whom Thou hadst created alive. Above the works of Thy hand I raised myself up as a pruning knife in Thy vineyard.
29. Yea, more than this, I persuaded my sons and daughters that to war for me was to war for our Father in heaven. By my blasphemy led I them into ruin. And when the battle was over for a day I cried out: Behold the glory of them that were slain for the honor of their country! Thus have I added crime to crime before Thee, Jehovih; thus destroyed Thy beautiful creation. Verily, have I not one word in justification of my deeds before Thee!
30. O that I had remained faithful with Thee, Jehovih! But I invented Gods unto the glory of the evil one. In one place I called out to my sons and daughters, saying: Be ye Brahmins; Brahma saveth whosoever professeth his name. In another place I said: Be ye Buddhists; Buddha saveth whosoever calleth on his name. In another place I said: Be ye Christians; Christ saveth whosoever calleth on his name. In another place I said: Be ye Mohammedans; whosoever saith: There is but one God and Mohammed is his prophet! shall have indulgence without sin.
31. Thus have I divided the earth, O Jehovih! Into four great idolatries have I founded them, and into their hands put all manner of weapons of destruction; and they are become more terrible against one another than are the beasts of the forest. O that I could put away these great iniquities which I raised up as everlasting torments to the earth. Verily, there is no salvation in any of these.
32. Their people are forever destroying one another. They quarrel and kill for their respective religions; setting aside Thy commandment, Thou shalt not kill. They love their own nation and hate all others. They set aside Thy commandment, Love thy neighbor as thyself.
33. They preach and pray in sufficient truth; but not one of these people practiseth peace, love and virtue in any degree commensurate with their understanding. These religions have not saved from sin any nation or city on the whole earth.
34. In vain have I searched for a plan of redemption; a plan that would make the earth a paradise, and the life of man a glory unto Thee, and a joy unto himself. But alas, the two extremes, riches and poverty, have made the prospect of a millenium a thing of mockery.
35. For one man that is rich there are a thousand poor, and their interests are an interminable conflict with one another. Labor crieth out in pain; but capital smiteth him with a heartless blow.
36. Nation is against nation; king against king; merchant against merchant; consumer against producer; yea, man against man, in all things upon the earth.
37. Because the state is rotten, the politician feedeth thereon; because society is rotten, the lawyer and court have riches and sumptuous feasts; because the flesh of my people is rotten, the physician findeth a harvest of comfort.
38. Now, O Jehovih, I come to Thee! Thou holdest the secret of peace and harmony and good will amongst mortals. Give me of Thy light, O Father! Show me the way of proceeding, that war and crime and poverty may come to an end. Open Thou the way of peace and love and virtue and truth, that Thy children may rejoice in their lives, and glorify Thee and Thy works forever.
39. Such is the voice of man, O Jehovih! In all the nations of the earth this voice riseth up to Thee! As Thou spakest to Zarathustra, and to Abraham and Moses, leading them forth out of darkness, O speak Thou, Jehovih!
40. Man hath faith in Thee only; Thou alone wast sufficient in the olden time: Today, Thou alone art sufficient unto Thine own creation. Speak Thou, O Jehovih!
A whore is a person who sells their body for money. It's a business and the more customers that person has and the more money they charge, the richer they get.
Now picture this:
In America we have what is called the military/industrial complex which includes military leaders who direct military operations and businesses that make things for warfare. This is a complex business relationship in that the military leaders need war so that they can 'do what they do' and they need businesses to make the stuff they need to fight those wars.
What is their worst fear? Their worst fear is that their services and businesses are no longer needed and they will lose their jobs and their businesses. They are terrified that peace will break out all over they world. So the military leaders will keep finding ways to keep the wars going so as to ensure job security. Who pays for this? The American people and they tell the American people that this is for national security and other high sounding 'so called' patriotic bullshit.
Either fight for your freedom or lose it.
Now picture this:
In America we have what is called the military/industrial complex which includes military leaders who direct military operations and businesses that make things for warfare. This is a complex business relationship in that the military leaders need war so that they can 'do what they do' and they need businesses to make the stuff they need to fight those wars.
What is their worst fear? Their worst fear is that their services and businesses are no longer needed and they will lose their jobs and their businesses. They are terrified that peace will break out all over they world. So the military leaders will keep finding ways to keep the wars going so as to ensure job security. Who pays for this? The American people and they tell the American people that this is for national security and other high sounding 'so called' patriotic bullshit.
Either fight for your freedom or lose it.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Corruption in America
If you want to read a very good article on corruption in America and what is really wrong with our country, here it is.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Prepare For The Worst
Too often people do not prepare for trouble and are in 'big trouble' when it happens.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Free College Courses
Thanks to the Internet there are numerous places where you can learn just about anything you want to learn.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
The Season of Giving
Why can't people all over the world have charity in their hearts and minds all year around instead of just this time of year? But, do people really know what charity really is? Suppose you could ask God what He thought about charity, would you be interested in what He thinks?
Book of Judgement
Chapter 8
1. HEAR my words, O man, and be considerate of the justice of thy Creator.
2. These are my exhibits which I place before thee, that thou shalt not err:
3. And thou be a rich man, and adorn a city by donating unto it a park, with statuary and pleasure-walks, hoping to glorify thyself thereby, and be praised by men; therein thyself burieth thyself in the first resurrection. And the act lowereth thy grade instead of raising it.
4. For in whatsoever thou givest, thou shalt consider, first, the lowest of the low, whether they have bread to eat, and a place to sleep: And the sick, whether they have attendance and good provision.
5. And thou be a rich man and contribute a house for the orphans or for the helpless and aged who cannot help themselves, it raiseth thee in grade.
6. But so far as thou doeth this for the applause of men, thou detracteth from the rate of thy beneficence.
7. Neither doth such a good work help thee more than the poor man helpeth his own grade by assisting one poor orphan.
8. For thy resurrection dependeth not on the quantity thou givest, but as to whether thou givest according to what thou hast. Of which matter thou shalt judge thyself.
9. For he who giveth a penny may be raised up more by so doing, than he that giveth ten times ten thousand.
10. A certain rich man, being converted from the desires of earth, went about casting his money freely in the streets, and in giving to whosoever asked him therefor.
11. And some gathered it up, and fed and clothed themselves; others took of it, and went and got drunk, and became worse than before.
12. The measure of righteousness of that man's behavior was not in giving what he had to the poor, but in the good and evil that came of it, being weighed, as to which outbalanced the other.
13. And where he lowered the grade of them that received this money, or where he lowered a greater number than he raised, there his act of casting the money away was a judgment against him.
14. He who giveth, saying: Here, thou beggar! doeth a good corporeal act, but an evil spiritual act. He lifteth up with one hand, but knocketh down with the other. Such an act detracteth from the grade of that man.
15. A certain rich man, being converted to do good works, went and built a score of soup-houses to feed the poor gratuitously.
16. And all the poor people of that town went therein and were fed. But the next year, behold, there were twice as many poor. And the rich man built another score of soup-houses, and they were all fed.
17. But the next year, there were still twice as many poor people to feed; but the rich man had exhausted his means, and could feed none at all.
18. Judgment is therefore rendered against that man for his supposed beneficence.
19. For, whilst he did a little corporeal good, he did a great spiritual wrong, because he lowered the grade of manhood and womanhood in those that he fed. His benevolence promoted dependence.
20. A rich man founded a place of labor for the poor, who had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. And he said unto them:
21. The Creator hath given you hands to work with; come ye, be men and women.
22. And they went and worked and earned their living.
23. Judgment is rendered in favor of that man, for he raised the spiritual grade of the poor. This is a beneficence that extendeth into heaven.
24. Let thy charity be to the sick and helpless, but be thou wise in directing the able-bodied to help themselves.
25. For all charity tendeth to lower the self-respect of the receiver, and casteth him lower in the grades in heaven.
26. Certain ones depend on alms, not having either sickness nor yet strong bodies. Nevertheless, were they aroused, they could support themselves.
27. When thou givest them regularly, they depend on thee. These become beggars in the lowest grades in heaven.
28. That which thou givest them accounteth against thine own grade. Better is it for thee and for them, that thou arouse them from their degradation.
29. To do this tenderly and mercifully, is a great virtue; to do it cruelly, is a great crime.
30. Consider not so much what thou shalt do to raise thine own grade, but what thou canst do to raise the grade of those within thy reach.
31. Remember, all men and women are thy brothers and sisters, and thou shalt labor to make them make themselves a glory unto the Creator.
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 27
1. GOD said: A certain man built a dam across a river, using only stones, but no cement. And the water ran through the crevices, rendering the dam worthless.
2. Then came certain neighbors to him, saying: Thou shalt apply cement to the crevices.
3. So, the man went to the lower side, and applied cement; but, lo and behold, the result was only temporary, for the water washed the cement away.
4. Again his neighbors said unto him: Apply thou the cement at the upper side, and the water will carry it into the crevices, where it will remain with good effect.
5. And the man did so, and, behold, the dam was a complete structure.
6. After such manner, O man, consider all charities. Thou mayst apply thy riches, and thy estates for charity's sake, but of no profit under the sun.
7. When the man applied the cement, where it was not self-sustaining, the waters washed it away.
8. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be not self-sustaining, judgment is rendered against thee.
9. When the man applied the cement toward the fountain, it became self-sustaining.
10. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be self-sustaining, judgment is rendered in thy favor.
11. When thou meetest thy neighbor on the road, and he hath fallen down, and broken his legs, and can not stand, consider how foolish it would be, to lift him up, and, then, let him fall again. Flatter not thyself, that such would be charity.
12. And yet, how much of the so-called charity of the world is of that kind.
13. Thou mayst feed three drunkards' families, and flatter thyself thou hast done charity worthily; but, if thou hast not done that which will make them no longer in need of charity, thou hast done little.
14. Another man may not feed them, but he may reform them, and put them in the way to be self-sustaining. Such a man will have done a hundred-fold greater charity.
15. To open the way for employment and industry, this is the greatest of all charity. For, by these avenues, charity will not be needed, even for the aged, nor for orphans.
16. Consider, then, how little any people have to boast of for charity's sake. Even their asylums and poor-houses and homes for the aged and helpless are so many witnesses of condemnation against the people who built them; because some great wrongs and evils existing within the state were also built by the people in the first place.
17. They are as paint and plaster, hiding and redeeming them, in some measure, for the sins of a wicked people.
18. And, when such a city saith: Behold us! what a charitable people we are! I say unto thee, that that city understandeth not the kingdom of thy God.
19. Yet, thou shalt avoid going to the other extreme, doing nothing, which is worst of all. But thou shalt go to the root of the matter; thy charity shall be directed to prevent the causes of such ill-fortunes.
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 28
1. GOD said: O man, consider the folly of individual effort! One will say: I help my family and my neighbors; let others do so, and all will be well.
2. This is his philosophy and doctrine! Now, I say unto thee, this is just what hath been tried for thousands of years, and it hath resulted in impotency all the while.
3. It hath been said: Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor; but I say unto thee, thou shalt not do this.
4. Though that opened the way to salvation in the ancient days, it is not sufficient in this day. Neither shalt thou hope, that, by giving to the poor, thou shalt escape condemnation.
5. But thou shalt go to the foundation of things, and go systematically.
6. Thy efforts shall not be single-handed, but thou shalt unite with others; and, together, ye shall provide a remedy against poverty.
7. Remembering, it is wiser to accomplish with the young than with the aged. For the mature will be dead in a few years; and, in that day, those that are children will be mature.
8. Better is it, that ye provide a way unto ten fatherless children, than for forty people that are grown.
9. But, even in this, ye may err toward the children. For, to provide them an asylum in infancy, saying: Behold, what a good work we have done! showeth that ye measure not as your God measureth.
10. For it is not sufficient that ye feed and clothe little ones; but ye shall teach them a trade, and occupations, and give them learning, so that, when they are grown, they can sustain themselves.
11. But, even yet, your work is not the highest; but ye shall so provide them, they they will not only be self-supporting, but that they shall be willing and capable of rescuing others, as they were rescued.
12. After this, ye shall see to it, that all things are so provided, that, after your death, your institution be not liable to fall into disuse or perversion.
13. This is founding the Father's kingdom on earth; and whoso laboreth thus, shall be ministered unto by my heavenly kingdoms for the glory of Jehovih.
14. Therefore, let your charity be not for a year, nor for a hundred years; but, be ye the corner-stones, founding places on earth where shall rest perpetually a system that will provide a new race, where poverty and crime and helplessness cannot enter.
15. Ye thus become, even in mortality, members of my second resurrection in heaven.
Book of Judgement
Chapter 8
1. HEAR my words, O man, and be considerate of the justice of thy Creator.
2. These are my exhibits which I place before thee, that thou shalt not err:
3. And thou be a rich man, and adorn a city by donating unto it a park, with statuary and pleasure-walks, hoping to glorify thyself thereby, and be praised by men; therein thyself burieth thyself in the first resurrection. And the act lowereth thy grade instead of raising it.
4. For in whatsoever thou givest, thou shalt consider, first, the lowest of the low, whether they have bread to eat, and a place to sleep: And the sick, whether they have attendance and good provision.
5. And thou be a rich man and contribute a house for the orphans or for the helpless and aged who cannot help themselves, it raiseth thee in grade.
6. But so far as thou doeth this for the applause of men, thou detracteth from the rate of thy beneficence.
7. Neither doth such a good work help thee more than the poor man helpeth his own grade by assisting one poor orphan.
8. For thy resurrection dependeth not on the quantity thou givest, but as to whether thou givest according to what thou hast. Of which matter thou shalt judge thyself.
9. For he who giveth a penny may be raised up more by so doing, than he that giveth ten times ten thousand.
10. A certain rich man, being converted from the desires of earth, went about casting his money freely in the streets, and in giving to whosoever asked him therefor.
11. And some gathered it up, and fed and clothed themselves; others took of it, and went and got drunk, and became worse than before.
12. The measure of righteousness of that man's behavior was not in giving what he had to the poor, but in the good and evil that came of it, being weighed, as to which outbalanced the other.
13. And where he lowered the grade of them that received this money, or where he lowered a greater number than he raised, there his act of casting the money away was a judgment against him.
14. He who giveth, saying: Here, thou beggar! doeth a good corporeal act, but an evil spiritual act. He lifteth up with one hand, but knocketh down with the other. Such an act detracteth from the grade of that man.
15. A certain rich man, being converted to do good works, went and built a score of soup-houses to feed the poor gratuitously.
16. And all the poor people of that town went therein and were fed. But the next year, behold, there were twice as many poor. And the rich man built another score of soup-houses, and they were all fed.
17. But the next year, there were still twice as many poor people to feed; but the rich man had exhausted his means, and could feed none at all.
18. Judgment is therefore rendered against that man for his supposed beneficence.
19. For, whilst he did a little corporeal good, he did a great spiritual wrong, because he lowered the grade of manhood and womanhood in those that he fed. His benevolence promoted dependence.
20. A rich man founded a place of labor for the poor, who had nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep. And he said unto them:
21. The Creator hath given you hands to work with; come ye, be men and women.
22. And they went and worked and earned their living.
23. Judgment is rendered in favor of that man, for he raised the spiritual grade of the poor. This is a beneficence that extendeth into heaven.
24. Let thy charity be to the sick and helpless, but be thou wise in directing the able-bodied to help themselves.
25. For all charity tendeth to lower the self-respect of the receiver, and casteth him lower in the grades in heaven.
26. Certain ones depend on alms, not having either sickness nor yet strong bodies. Nevertheless, were they aroused, they could support themselves.
27. When thou givest them regularly, they depend on thee. These become beggars in the lowest grades in heaven.
28. That which thou givest them accounteth against thine own grade. Better is it for thee and for them, that thou arouse them from their degradation.
29. To do this tenderly and mercifully, is a great virtue; to do it cruelly, is a great crime.
30. Consider not so much what thou shalt do to raise thine own grade, but what thou canst do to raise the grade of those within thy reach.
31. Remember, all men and women are thy brothers and sisters, and thou shalt labor to make them make themselves a glory unto the Creator.
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 27
1. GOD said: A certain man built a dam across a river, using only stones, but no cement. And the water ran through the crevices, rendering the dam worthless.
2. Then came certain neighbors to him, saying: Thou shalt apply cement to the crevices.
3. So, the man went to the lower side, and applied cement; but, lo and behold, the result was only temporary, for the water washed the cement away.
4. Again his neighbors said unto him: Apply thou the cement at the upper side, and the water will carry it into the crevices, where it will remain with good effect.
5. And the man did so, and, behold, the dam was a complete structure.
6. After such manner, O man, consider all charities. Thou mayst apply thy riches, and thy estates for charity's sake, but of no profit under the sun.
7. When the man applied the cement, where it was not self-sustaining, the waters washed it away.
8. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be not self-sustaining, judgment is rendered against thee.
9. When the man applied the cement toward the fountain, it became self-sustaining.
10. Wherein thou appliest charity, and it be self-sustaining, judgment is rendered in thy favor.
11. When thou meetest thy neighbor on the road, and he hath fallen down, and broken his legs, and can not stand, consider how foolish it would be, to lift him up, and, then, let him fall again. Flatter not thyself, that such would be charity.
12. And yet, how much of the so-called charity of the world is of that kind.
13. Thou mayst feed three drunkards' families, and flatter thyself thou hast done charity worthily; but, if thou hast not done that which will make them no longer in need of charity, thou hast done little.
14. Another man may not feed them, but he may reform them, and put them in the way to be self-sustaining. Such a man will have done a hundred-fold greater charity.
15. To open the way for employment and industry, this is the greatest of all charity. For, by these avenues, charity will not be needed, even for the aged, nor for orphans.
16. Consider, then, how little any people have to boast of for charity's sake. Even their asylums and poor-houses and homes for the aged and helpless are so many witnesses of condemnation against the people who built them; because some great wrongs and evils existing within the state were also built by the people in the first place.
17. They are as paint and plaster, hiding and redeeming them, in some measure, for the sins of a wicked people.
18. And, when such a city saith: Behold us! what a charitable people we are! I say unto thee, that that city understandeth not the kingdom of thy God.
19. Yet, thou shalt avoid going to the other extreme, doing nothing, which is worst of all. But thou shalt go to the root of the matter; thy charity shall be directed to prevent the causes of such ill-fortunes.
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 28
1. GOD said: O man, consider the folly of individual effort! One will say: I help my family and my neighbors; let others do so, and all will be well.
2. This is his philosophy and doctrine! Now, I say unto thee, this is just what hath been tried for thousands of years, and it hath resulted in impotency all the while.
3. It hath been said: Sell all thou hast and give it to the poor; but I say unto thee, thou shalt not do this.
4. Though that opened the way to salvation in the ancient days, it is not sufficient in this day. Neither shalt thou hope, that, by giving to the poor, thou shalt escape condemnation.
5. But thou shalt go to the foundation of things, and go systematically.
6. Thy efforts shall not be single-handed, but thou shalt unite with others; and, together, ye shall provide a remedy against poverty.
7. Remembering, it is wiser to accomplish with the young than with the aged. For the mature will be dead in a few years; and, in that day, those that are children will be mature.
8. Better is it, that ye provide a way unto ten fatherless children, than for forty people that are grown.
9. But, even in this, ye may err toward the children. For, to provide them an asylum in infancy, saying: Behold, what a good work we have done! showeth that ye measure not as your God measureth.
10. For it is not sufficient that ye feed and clothe little ones; but ye shall teach them a trade, and occupations, and give them learning, so that, when they are grown, they can sustain themselves.
11. But, even yet, your work is not the highest; but ye shall so provide them, they they will not only be self-supporting, but that they shall be willing and capable of rescuing others, as they were rescued.
12. After this, ye shall see to it, that all things are so provided, that, after your death, your institution be not liable to fall into disuse or perversion.
13. This is founding the Father's kingdom on earth; and whoso laboreth thus, shall be ministered unto by my heavenly kingdoms for the glory of Jehovih.
14. Therefore, let your charity be not for a year, nor for a hundred years; but, be ye the corner-stones, founding places on earth where shall rest perpetually a system that will provide a new race, where poverty and crime and helplessness cannot enter.
15. Ye thus become, even in mortality, members of my second resurrection in heaven.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Mr. Consistancy and Mr. Reliable
Here is a man who will 'not' be a flip flopping jerk that says one thing and does another, who will give Americans their freedom and will 'not' be a sweet smiling jackass who lies every time he opens his mouth.
GOP Nominee Campaign
So, how is it going and still the main stream media just won't admit what is really happening.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Up or Down - Profits
You can profit in the markets either up or down. Down is a lot faster.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Constitution? What Constitution?
Our elected leaders take an oath when they assume their respective offices, so why are they breaking that oath?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
OMG -Iraq Invaded Again!
A totally new army has invaded Iraq.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Energy Independence?
Is America actually heading for energy independence from the rest of the world?
Monday, December 12, 2011
Unbelievable Arrogance and Stupidity
Just because a person is a multi-billionaire does not make them smart about everything. Donald Trump was going to host a big debate with all of the candidates attending, but one by one they are telling him, NO WAY.
Now, 'The Donald' has egg all over his face and looking pretty dumb. He should have gone to all of the candidates [first] to see if they were interested instead of thinking all of them would kiss his rear end to attend.
Now, 'The Donald' has egg all over his face and looking pretty dumb. He should have gone to all of the candidates [first] to see if they were interested instead of thinking all of them would kiss his rear end to attend.
Hiding in Plain Sight
Our military has always used camouflage to fool the enemy but they weren't the first to use this tactic.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Russian Revolution
People all over the world are totally pissed off at their dictating control freak leaders and those leaders had better step down or all hell will break loose. Will Pukin give in?
To begin this post, 'I am not homophobic' but there is no way I would ever have a close relationship with any homosexual. Why? Because I am not that liberal. I would also not have a close relationship with any other sexual deviate from what is normal as spelled out in Oahspe.
Jehovih created only two sexes, male and female so that they can reproduce...that's all. All other sexual deviations are not normal and are caused by forces contrary to His will.
Here is what Jehovih says about this:
Book of Jehovih
Chapter 5
(Note: In this chapter Jehovih shows that evolution is false.)
1. MAN perceived the magnitude and glory of the corporeal worlds. He said, How shall I speak of Thy great works, O Jehovih, and of Thy wisdom and power! Shall I open my mouth before Thee! I look upon Thy countless stars, suns and moons, spread out over the heavens! The millions of years Thou hast rolled them on in the never-ending firmament! Processions in and out, and round about, of mighty worlds! By Thy breath going forth!
2. O Thou, All Highest! How shall I hide my insignificance! I cannot create the smallest thing alive! Nay, nor change the color of a hair on my head. What am I, that Thou has seen me?
3. Tell me, O my Creator, whence came life? This unseen within me that is conscious of being? Tell me how all the living came into life.
4. Jehovih heard the words of man and He answered him saying: Let a sign be given to man that he may comprehend se'mu. Thereupon Jehovih caused the jelly fish and the green scum of water to be permanently coming forth in all ages, that man might understand the age of se'mu, when the earth and the shores by the water, and the waters also, were covered over with commingled atmosphere and corporeal substance. And this substance was called se'mu, because by Jehovih's presence quickened He it into life, and thus made He all the living, both the vegetable and animal worlds. Not that se'mu is jelly-fish or the green scum of water; for the earth in this day produceth not se'mu abundantly; nevertheless the jelly-fish and the green scum of water are signs of that which was in that day of the earth.
5. Jehovih said: Because of My presence quickened I into life all that live, or ever have lived.
6. Because I am male and female, even in my likeness, thus made I them. Because I am the power to quicken into life, so, in likeness of Me thus, made I them, and with power to bring forth.
7. According to their respective places created I the living; not in pairs only, but in hundreds of pairs and thousands, and in millions.
(Note: This proves that the creation story in the Christian bible is false.)
8. According to their respective places and the light upon se'mu, so quickened I them in their color, adapted to their dwelling places.
9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.
10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.
11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren.
(Note: The mule.)
12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.
13. Such is My person and My spirit, being from everlasting to everlasting; and when I bring a new world into the time of se'mu, lo and behold my presence quickeneth the substance into life; according to the locality and the surroundings, so do I bring forth the different species; for they are flesh of My flesh and spirit of My spirit. To themselves give I themselves; nevertheless, they are all members of My Person.
14. As a testimony to man, behold the earth was once a globe of liquid fire! Nor was there any seed thereon. But in due season I rained down se'mu on the earth; and by virtue of my presence quickened I into life all the living. Without seed created I the life that is in them.
(Note: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This proves that the chicken came first.)
So what does Oahspe say about homosexuality? This is the only thing I have found so far:
23. Oan (Panic).
Faith in man only. Sign, two men leaning against each other. Persons who have risen in intelligence, but not in Es (Spirituality).
Faith in man only. One who believes man is the highest of all things in the world. One who believes there is no person or thing of personality but man.
They being Oans indulged in ----, although they were men only, saying: There is none above us to see us or to command (Fus).
They said: Shall I not indulge in whatsoever I choose, being an Oan? (Chine.)
Onan, one whose philosophy is in his own conceit; and indulgence (Kii).
I do solemnly swear before this order, Oan, that I will never pray to, nor ejaculate to, nor of, nor for any person, save man; and especially not to the Gods nor Lords of heaven, nor to the Unknown, and Imperishable. (Rite of Sodom.)
Ho'an, that that leads to Ugh'sa, particularly lust. The impulse of the flesh they called the highest, M'oa (Gau).
A'su of old, saying: Is not all indulgence my heritage? (Miac.)
They fell from industry and decency, saying: We shall have no forms nor rites, being free. And they became the prey of spirits of idleness and lust, who feast on sinful mortals (Egypt).
Spirits of lust came to the Onans and reclothed themselves in mortal forms and indulged in lust with them, and Moses forbade them from coming amongst his people. (Aribania.)
The Cow'ans said: Let us go stealthily to the tent of Moses and his priests and learn the secret of his spirit power. The Cow'ans said: Why shall man follow Moses? Are not the spirits who come to us as good as his? (Akia.)
Yo'anyi said: If I love meat I will eat meat; if I love strong drink I will have strong drink; if I love sexual indulgence then will I have sexual indulgence. Who can restrain me? Are not my desires well created? I should not deny them? (Vede.)
And the druks came upon the Yo'anyi, for their philosophy had divided them amongst themselves, one against another, and their progeny became Tur'anyi (Turanian).
Jehovih created only two sexes, male and female so that they can reproduce...that's all. All other sexual deviations are not normal and are caused by forces contrary to His will.
Here is what Jehovih says about this:
Book of Jehovih
Chapter 5
(Note: In this chapter Jehovih shows that evolution is false.)
1. MAN perceived the magnitude and glory of the corporeal worlds. He said, How shall I speak of Thy great works, O Jehovih, and of Thy wisdom and power! Shall I open my mouth before Thee! I look upon Thy countless stars, suns and moons, spread out over the heavens! The millions of years Thou hast rolled them on in the never-ending firmament! Processions in and out, and round about, of mighty worlds! By Thy breath going forth!
2. O Thou, All Highest! How shall I hide my insignificance! I cannot create the smallest thing alive! Nay, nor change the color of a hair on my head. What am I, that Thou has seen me?
3. Tell me, O my Creator, whence came life? This unseen within me that is conscious of being? Tell me how all the living came into life.
4. Jehovih heard the words of man and He answered him saying: Let a sign be given to man that he may comprehend se'mu. Thereupon Jehovih caused the jelly fish and the green scum of water to be permanently coming forth in all ages, that man might understand the age of se'mu, when the earth and the shores by the water, and the waters also, were covered over with commingled atmosphere and corporeal substance. And this substance was called se'mu, because by Jehovih's presence quickened He it into life, and thus made He all the living, both the vegetable and animal worlds. Not that se'mu is jelly-fish or the green scum of water; for the earth in this day produceth not se'mu abundantly; nevertheless the jelly-fish and the green scum of water are signs of that which was in that day of the earth.
5. Jehovih said: Because of My presence quickened I into life all that live, or ever have lived.
6. Because I am male and female, even in my likeness, thus made I them. Because I am the power to quicken into life, so, in likeness of Me thus, made I them, and with power to bring forth.
7. According to their respective places created I the living; not in pairs only, but in hundreds of pairs and thousands, and in millions.
(Note: This proves that the creation story in the Christian bible is false.)
8. According to their respective places and the light upon se'mu, so quickened I them in their color, adapted to their dwelling places.
9. Each and every living thing created I new upon the earth, of a kind each to itself; and not one living thing created I out of another.
10. Let a sign be upon the earth, that man in his darkness may not believe that one animal changeth and becometh another.
11. Thereupon Jehovih gave permission for different animals to bring forth a new living animal, which should be unlike either its mother or father, but he caused the new product to be barren.
(Note: The mule.)
12. Jehovih said: And this shall be testimony before all men that I created each and all the living, after their own kind only.
13. Such is My person and My spirit, being from everlasting to everlasting; and when I bring a new world into the time of se'mu, lo and behold my presence quickeneth the substance into life; according to the locality and the surroundings, so do I bring forth the different species; for they are flesh of My flesh and spirit of My spirit. To themselves give I themselves; nevertheless, they are all members of My Person.
14. As a testimony to man, behold the earth was once a globe of liquid fire! Nor was there any seed thereon. But in due season I rained down se'mu on the earth; and by virtue of my presence quickened I into life all the living. Without seed created I the life that is in them.
(Note: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This proves that the chicken came first.)
So what does Oahspe say about homosexuality? This is the only thing I have found so far:
23. Oan (Panic).
Faith in man only. Sign, two men leaning against each other. Persons who have risen in intelligence, but not in Es (Spirituality).
Faith in man only. One who believes man is the highest of all things in the world. One who believes there is no person or thing of personality but man.
They being Oans indulged in ----, although they were men only, saying: There is none above us to see us or to command (Fus).
They said: Shall I not indulge in whatsoever I choose, being an Oan? (Chine.)
Onan, one whose philosophy is in his own conceit; and indulgence (Kii).
I do solemnly swear before this order, Oan, that I will never pray to, nor ejaculate to, nor of, nor for any person, save man; and especially not to the Gods nor Lords of heaven, nor to the Unknown, and Imperishable. (Rite of Sodom.)
Ho'an, that that leads to Ugh'sa, particularly lust. The impulse of the flesh they called the highest, M'oa (Gau).
A'su of old, saying: Is not all indulgence my heritage? (Miac.)
They fell from industry and decency, saying: We shall have no forms nor rites, being free. And they became the prey of spirits of idleness and lust, who feast on sinful mortals (Egypt).
Spirits of lust came to the Onans and reclothed themselves in mortal forms and indulged in lust with them, and Moses forbade them from coming amongst his people. (Aribania.)
The Cow'ans said: Let us go stealthily to the tent of Moses and his priests and learn the secret of his spirit power. The Cow'ans said: Why shall man follow Moses? Are not the spirits who come to us as good as his? (Akia.)
Yo'anyi said: If I love meat I will eat meat; if I love strong drink I will have strong drink; if I love sexual indulgence then will I have sexual indulgence. Who can restrain me? Are not my desires well created? I should not deny them? (Vede.)
And the druks came upon the Yo'anyi, for their philosophy had divided them amongst themselves, one against another, and their progeny became Tur'anyi (Turanian).
Eat The Rich
If they keep this up they will destroy all who know how to stand on their own and we will all be poor.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Blunt Talk
Here is one guy who tells it like it is.
Born Free?
Some people are born free and some people were not, but we can all be free if we are willing to fight for it, if those who want to take it away, TRY.
Would you like to know who the destroyers of our lives are?
When you buy food at a store, is it O.K. for these food companies to put whatever they want in their products, without telling you what they have done?
What if they want to put horseshit in your hamburger, would you like to know?
What if they put stuff in there that they know damn well is harmful, is it O.K. with you that they can get away with it?
What if these food companies are doing very bad things and the FDA knows damn well they are doing it and because these food companies give big bucks to the FDA to get away with that, is that O.K. with you?
What if they want to put horseshit in your hamburger, would you like to know?
What if they put stuff in there that they know damn well is harmful, is it O.K. with you that they can get away with it?
What if these food companies are doing very bad things and the FDA knows damn well they are doing it and because these food companies give big bucks to the FDA to get away with that, is that O.K. with you?
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Cloaked UFO
Looks like a cloaked UFO for sure and according to Oahspe these high raised angels can build space ships capable of carrying thousands of passengers and they will go on space travels that can last for many years traveling through Jehovih's endless space full of countless worlds, all inhabited by mortals.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
For those who say waterboarding is not torture, they either need to stop lying or get educated. Better yet, let it be done to THEM so that a personal experience will clear up any doubt about whether it's torture or not.
Monday, December 5, 2011
What Are We?
Oahspe says we are what we think and we are what we eat, that's it.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Bright Lights Burn
One after another, political candidates pop up for awhile and after a brief period in the spotlight, their evil ways are known, they crash and burn like an enemy bomber shot down. But one guy who has been steady and honest his whole life still keeps coming up better than all the rest.
If the American people AGAIN choose a cheap piece of crap for our president, then hell will be our lives for a long time to come.
If the American people AGAIN choose a cheap piece of crap for our president, then hell will be our lives for a long time to come.
OWS-vs-The Tea Party
What is the difference between the Tea Party and OWS? One of these will save America and the other will destroy America. The upcoming election will decide which one will win. If the wrong one wins, we will have a civil war in America which will kill over half of the American people.
You must decide which side you are on. Either go with Jehovih who founded this nation and our Constitution or go with the destroyers of this nation. In Oahspe you can read all about what Jehovih did to make sure this nation was founded for freedom of religion and commerce. Who's side are you on?
You must decide which side you are on. Either go with Jehovih who founded this nation and our Constitution or go with the destroyers of this nation. In Oahspe you can read all about what Jehovih did to make sure this nation was founded for freedom of religion and commerce. Who's side are you on?
Friday, December 2, 2011
Self Reliance
I think the most important thing in life is to be in a position where I am self reliant and do not have to depend on anyone for anything unless I have an emergency.
I don't believe anyone deserves anything unless they have earned it an honest way.
Too many people who have fallen between the cracks, even when it's no fault of their own, still spend too much time and energy screaming about the unfairness of others instead of finding a way out of their predicament.
I don't believe anyone deserves anything unless they have earned it an honest way.
Too many people who have fallen between the cracks, even when it's no fault of their own, still spend too much time and energy screaming about the unfairness of others instead of finding a way out of their predicament.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
What is the definition of a hypocrite? Well, it is a person who says one thing and does the opposite. If I said I was a vegetarian and pigged out on burgers, I would be a hypocrite. The best way to expose a fool and hypocrite is to let him talk his head off and then bury him with his own words.
Honest to God, when are we ever going to get a president and congress that cares about the people of America and NOT ABOUT their own selfish selves.
Honest to God, when are we ever going to get a president and congress that cares about the people of America and NOT ABOUT their own selfish selves.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Attention Whores
Why is it, that in spite of all the opportunities a female might have to blow the whistle about 'alleged' sexual advances, that she waits until a man is in the national spotlight, that she screams rape or some other sexual accusations against a man who is now internationally well known.
Females like this are nothing more than 'Attention Whores'. Whether these accusations are true or not is outside of this post. What I am writing about here concerns the lust for attention, only.
Females like this are nothing more than 'Attention Whores'. Whether these accusations are true or not is outside of this post. What I am writing about here concerns the lust for attention, only.
Dear Mr. President?
Isn't it about time the American people stopped screwing around with a bum leader?
U.S. Court System
Do you believe it is possible to get a fair trial in America?
Monday, November 28, 2011
WikiLeaks Conclusion
As it turns out, WikiLeaks damage was a dud.
Is She Stupid?
She might not be stupid at all. She might be just trying to do that for the fun of it or to see if she could do it.
Mass Poisoning of Americans
The drug companies are determined to drug every single American, one way or the other and to hell with your individual, God given rights.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Christmas is the time of year when Christians celebrate the birth of Christ. It's a time when people of good will enjoy the company of loved ones and exchange gifts. But most important, this the time they show great devotion to their special God.
Unions Destroy
Here is just one more example of the destroying power of unions.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Power of Doubling
If you could take one dollar and double it every day for 30 days, you would have over one billion dollars.
Now try to do that.
You probably can't, so imagine how smart a person has to be to take a single cell and keep doubling that to produce a new person.
Now try to do that.
You probably can't, so imagine how smart a person has to be to take a single cell and keep doubling that to produce a new person.
Police State America
Some of these people who are supposed to be taking care of our security are doing just the opposite. They are threatening our security and even harassing little kids.
God? What God?
Any person who does not know or does not respect a nations' beliefs, principles and traditions, does not deserve to be president 'of that nation'.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Evil Control Freaks
If you think this can't possibly happen to you, you are badly mistaken.
Word Games
What is the difference between F*^$k and Fuck?
Why don't people just be honest and say what the mean, instead of trying to hide behind free speech symbols.
Why don't people just be honest and say what the mean, instead of trying to hide behind free speech symbols.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Dirty, Nasty Female
Some of these females are so nasty they ought to be in jail.
Monday, November 21, 2011
I Liked Natalie
I very seldom am attracted to any rich or famous person. They usually bore me to death but, I liked Natalie because she seemed like a very nice person in spite of her fame. When she died, I dreamed that Wagner had murdered her. Did my dream tell the truth?
When I was writing my book about Charlotte Church I dreamed about a female that was going to attempt suicide. I was afraid it was Charlotte so I wrote to her and told her not to do it, if it was about her. Turns out it was her mother who had done that because her husband was messing around with another female.
When I was writing my book about Charlotte Church I dreamed about a female that was going to attempt suicide. I was afraid it was Charlotte so I wrote to her and told her not to do it, if it was about her. Turns out it was her mother who had done that because her husband was messing around with another female.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
World Control
Would you like to know who is taking over control of the whole world?
Friday, November 18, 2011
Euro Disaster
The only person in Europe who tells the truth.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
The truth is finally out concerning all those chemtrails.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Space Travel
Let's take a spin around the earth a few times in a space ship.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Beauty Talks
Beauty is - what Beauty does, not what Beauty looks like.
Out of the Mouths of Babes
You can learn a lot from kids, if you just listen.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Dangerous Banks
These are considered the most dangerous banks in the world.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Are You An Idiot?
Well, probably not. In fact, if you have enough intelligence to read my blog, you sure ain't no idiot.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Better Not Play Games
If they are going to do such a thing, they had better not play around about it. If I had to do this, my approach would be a total destruction of ALL military targets, not just the nuclear and all factories that produce anything related to the military.
It would have to be done so that they would have NOTHING to retaliate with. Civilians must not be targeted at all. They will be the ones who will depose the leadership, once the military had been destroyed. The leaders of this nation have NO friends at all anywhere.
It would have to be done so that they would have NOTHING to retaliate with. Civilians must not be targeted at all. They will be the ones who will depose the leadership, once the military had been destroyed. The leaders of this nation have NO friends at all anywhere.
Who's The Criminal?
Just who is the criminal here anyway? Both guys do the same thing.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Cheap Heat Coming?
With all the talk of global warming because of fossil fuels, with oil spills and fraking problems contaminating water supplies and nuclear meltdowns contaminating the planet, solar is already just about as cheap as natural gas but now, maybe solar will definitely replace natural gas, coal, nuclear and oil to heat buildings and provide electricity too.
Ultimate Stupidity
How could anybody who claims to any brains at all, do stuff like this. It's just plain stupid to have the same currency for different nations.
There are idiots here in America who want to have the United States to merge under the same currency with Canada and Mexico called the Amero. It won't work either.
There are idiots here in America who want to have the United States to merge under the same currency with Canada and Mexico called the Amero. It won't work either.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Is Europe Saved?
Is it possible to loan a debtor more money to help them get out of debt?
The Gold Standard
Do you believe in the "Golden Rule?
There is an old saying that says "He who has the gold, rules."
I don't doubt that this is about the most true statement that has ever been said. When you work for someone for money and that person tells you to do something, you either do it or get fired. Nuff said.
I know for a fact that our politicians and presidents are bought and paid for and I have always felt that judges were too but have never had anyone say so until now.
There is an old saying that says "He who has the gold, rules."
I don't doubt that this is about the most true statement that has ever been said. When you work for someone for money and that person tells you to do something, you either do it or get fired. Nuff said.
I know for a fact that our politicians and presidents are bought and paid for and I have always felt that judges were too but have never had anyone say so until now.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Their Favorite Article
I have written a bunch of articles at EzineArticles on various subjects. One of those articles, several years ago was at the bottom of the list and has steadily risen to the top and has been gaining popularity over all of them by higher and numbers as time goes on.
What The Hell
Why can't people just get along. We are all different, so what? Why must certain people go about killing anybody that doesn't agree with them? All they are doing is creating more enemies they have to kill.
If people live by the philosophy of "an eye for an eye" the whole world will soon be blind.
For ever action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Those that live by the sword will die by the sword.
What goes around, comes around.
People will treat us the way we treat them.
We will reap what we sow.
Would you like to know what stated all this war business in the first place?
Read what God says about all this war business.
If people live by the philosophy of "an eye for an eye" the whole world will soon be blind.
For ever action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
Those that live by the sword will die by the sword.
What goes around, comes around.
People will treat us the way we treat them.
We will reap what we sow.
Would you like to know what stated all this war business in the first place?
Read what God says about all this war business.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Murdering Bastards
I saw what Alex is talking about here and he is right. There is a hell for those who do evil things to others. Do you really think any person can mock God and get away with it?
Europes' Economic Hell
The economic idiots are in charge of the worlds' economic stability.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
If you were the president of the United States and you had spent trillions of
taxpayer dollars over many years and saw thousands of our service men die to try to bring sanity to a [drug infested, totally politically corrupted war lord dominated hell hole like Pakistan], what would you do if the leader of that nation said THIS?
taxpayer dollars over many years and saw thousands of our service men die to try to bring sanity to a [drug infested, totally politically corrupted war lord dominated hell hole like Pakistan], what would you do if the leader of that nation said THIS?
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Zombie Warning
Now, I don't want to piss you off but for your own good, you had better be careful you don't turn into a ZOMBIE. Basically, a Zombie is the kind of a person who just 'goes along to get along' and does very little thinking for themselves.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Heartless Chinese
Would anybody like to visit those heartless Chinese.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Top Dog
America is the greatest nation on earth.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Drug Taking Insanity
When people start taking prescription drugs, there are always side effects that means they have to take a second drug to counter the side effects and of course the second drug causes side effects and another drug must be used to counter that one and this is like what happened to an old woman.
Big Drug Pushers
Who are the most evil drug pushers in the world?
The War For Your Mind
Believe it or not, there is a terrible war going on right now to control your mind and I am warning you, you had better be careful it is NOT 'Main Stream Media' which includes regular TV stations, cable stations, newspapers and any other news source that advertises DRUGS. If you are watching any news source that advertisers drugs, you are NOT getting the real truth about anything.
Two Black Guys
I am the manager of a four unit apartment complex, on an acre of land in a mixed neighborhood. I have been here for over 22 years and I have had some pretty interesting experiences with the black people living around here.
One day I was working in the front lawn and a black guy came up to me on a bike and told me he was looking for odd jobs. He gave me his name and phone number and asked me to call him if I could use him around this place. I told him I had plenty of help right then but would give him a try if I ran short of help.
About five years later I saw him drive by in a late model Ford 150 with a sign on the side of his truck which read 'Sammy's Work Force' with a phone number.
About a year after that as I was coming out of a grocery store, a another black guy came up to me and asked for a handout. He said he had been in that parking lot all day long trying to raise enough money to feed his family of a wife and four kids.
I gave him some money and left. I thought to myself that if he had spent that day knocking on people's doors looking for odd jobs, he no doubt would have earned plenty of money to feed his family.
In all these years I have had lots of black people, males and females, looking for a chance to work for me and also beg from me. Many females were those with kids to feed and females who were prostitutes.
[I never purchased what 'they' were selling].
Which type of person do you think these people were:
1. Conservative or Liberal?
2. Republican or Democrat?
3. Capitalist or Socialist?
4. Independent or Dependent?
5. Entrepreneur or Beggar?
6. Builder or Destroyer?
Which type of person do you think will build a great America and which type do you believe will destroy America?
Which type are you?
The only wealth that will ever be created by anyone is a capitalist. If capitalism is destroyed by too much taxation, too many regulations, too many liberals, too many democrats, too many socialists, too many dependents, too many beggars and too many destroyers then everybody will starve to death because there will be no businesses or jobs for anybody.
Anybody is a capitalist that tries to start a business just like a kid who sells lemonade from a lemonade stand and when that kid has too much business to handle by himself and he pays the neighbor kid to help out, he just gave him a job.
Squashing kids like that because of some stupid city regulation and you destroy another future businessman.
Governments do not create jobs, capitalists create jobs. Governments take money from people who have money and give that to other people. When governments take too much money from people 'who have money' it destroys the governments' source of income.
One day I was working in the front lawn and a black guy came up to me on a bike and told me he was looking for odd jobs. He gave me his name and phone number and asked me to call him if I could use him around this place. I told him I had plenty of help right then but would give him a try if I ran short of help.
About five years later I saw him drive by in a late model Ford 150 with a sign on the side of his truck which read 'Sammy's Work Force' with a phone number.
About a year after that as I was coming out of a grocery store, a another black guy came up to me and asked for a handout. He said he had been in that parking lot all day long trying to raise enough money to feed his family of a wife and four kids.
I gave him some money and left. I thought to myself that if he had spent that day knocking on people's doors looking for odd jobs, he no doubt would have earned plenty of money to feed his family.
In all these years I have had lots of black people, males and females, looking for a chance to work for me and also beg from me. Many females were those with kids to feed and females who were prostitutes.
[I never purchased what 'they' were selling].
Which type of person do you think these people were:
1. Conservative or Liberal?
2. Republican or Democrat?
3. Capitalist or Socialist?
4. Independent or Dependent?
5. Entrepreneur or Beggar?
6. Builder or Destroyer?
Which type of person do you think will build a great America and which type do you believe will destroy America?
Which type are you?
The only wealth that will ever be created by anyone is a capitalist. If capitalism is destroyed by too much taxation, too many regulations, too many liberals, too many democrats, too many socialists, too many dependents, too many beggars and too many destroyers then everybody will starve to death because there will be no businesses or jobs for anybody.
Anybody is a capitalist that tries to start a business just like a kid who sells lemonade from a lemonade stand and when that kid has too much business to handle by himself and he pays the neighbor kid to help out, he just gave him a job.
Squashing kids like that because of some stupid city regulation and you destroy another future businessman.
Governments do not create jobs, capitalists create jobs. Governments take money from people who have money and give that to other people. When governments take too much money from people 'who have money' it destroys the governments' source of income.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The Voice From the Womb
Hi mommy, I'm yur baby.
It chur is dark kin here but I'm warm'n cozy.
I'cn hear you talkin but I dunt unnerstan what you sayun.
I likes when you walk cuz it rocks me to sleep.
I can't wait to be borned so I can see you.
I luv you mommy.
Tuday my mommy kilt me.
It chur is dark kin here but I'm warm'n cozy.
I'cn hear you talkin but I dunt unnerstan what you sayun.
I likes when you walk cuz it rocks me to sleep.
I can't wait to be borned so I can see you.
I luv you mommy.
Tuday my mommy kilt me.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Control Freaks
Without a doubt, the world is under control of those who have economic power over others. This is their 'Golden Rule'.
Whoever has the gold, RULES.
The only way to overcome these forces is for people to gain as much knowledge as they can to control their OWN lives and not be controlled by anyone else.
Someday, hopefully, this organization will show the way.
Whoever has the gold, RULES.
The only way to overcome these forces is for people to gain as much knowledge as they can to control their OWN lives and not be controlled by anyone else.
Someday, hopefully, this organization will show the way.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Smart Animals
When animals are in the wild they have instincts which guide them in the right way to live and eat. In captivity they will eat most anything because man usually does not give them a choice, so they just eat whatever is offered to them.
Man is much smarter than animals but man is sometimes just plain ignorant when it comes to the right food to eat.
Man is much smarter than animals but man is sometimes just plain ignorant when it comes to the right food to eat.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
What Kind of a Guy?
Yeh, what kind of a guy would go around making little kids cry.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Shocking Report
Who in the hell is trying to kill all of us.
Monday, September 19, 2011
The Next President
Is our next president a person who will be just another dorky politician or someone who will really bring freedom and prosperity to America AT LAST.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Contrails, Chemtrails or Fairytails?
What the hell is the Air Force spraying all over the world?
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The Rage of War?
Is the European Union about to self destruct?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Military Dictatorship
Could America actually be taken over by a military dictatorship?
Monday, September 12, 2011
The Rapist
There was this guy, who raped a bunch of females and after he had done that, he thought to himself that those females had his semen, so he hired a bunch of crooked lawyers and sued those females for having his semen and a crooked liberal judge awarded the rapist a bunch of money to compensate him.
There is this company named Monsanto that developed a special seed that was supposed to keep the bugs off the plants and be able to tolerate all kinds of poisonous herbicides and insecticides and got a patent on those seeds.
When those seeds were planted the pollen would drift into other farmers' crops and would contaminate the other farmers' plants. When Monsanto found out that this had happened they got a bunch of crooked lawyers to sue those infected farmers in front of a crooked liberal judge and the judge awarded Monsanto millions of dollars to compensate Monsanto because their plants had infected other farmers' crops.
There is this company named Monsanto that developed a special seed that was supposed to keep the bugs off the plants and be able to tolerate all kinds of poisonous herbicides and insecticides and got a patent on those seeds.
When those seeds were planted the pollen would drift into other farmers' crops and would contaminate the other farmers' plants. When Monsanto found out that this had happened they got a bunch of crooked lawyers to sue those infected farmers in front of a crooked liberal judge and the judge awarded Monsanto millions of dollars to compensate Monsanto because their plants had infected other farmers' crops.
The United States Consitution
Have you ever wanted to change the Constitution? Well, if you vote on what you like and dislike, you just might be a part in some future political process.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Stupid Politics - Stupid Newscasters
If you want to know how utterly stupid and incompetent our politicians conduct themselves and how ridiculous the main stream media reacts to the bumbling of our politicians, watch this guy every day.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Cancer Cure
If you ever know anyone who has cancer, just tell them to go eat dirt.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Dumb Farmer
When I was younger, I used to hear the expression: 'Dumb Farmer'.
I could not figure out why a farmer was dumb. Now that I am a lot older I can certainly see the reason why there are a lot of dumb farmers in America.
What kind of a farmer would destroy the very land he is farming?
That's the type of farmer who does not work with nature, but actually works against nature. That is the kind of farmer who fertilizes with chemicals and tries to control 'weeds with herbicides' and 'insects with insecticides.'
What kind of a farmer would actually dump poison on his own land and crops?
A dumb farmer.
What kind of a farmer would dump chemicals on his land?
A dumb farmer.
A dumb farmer is the kind of farmer who thinks it is too hard to study the natural way to farm so he takes the 'quick and dirty' way to produce crops.
Little does he care that his produce is much inferior than those who work with nature.
Little does he care that the nutrition in his crops cheats his customers out of much needed nutrition.
Little does he care that the insecticides on his crops are causing cancer and all manner of disease to his customers as long as he can make money at it.
He is so dumb that in the process of feeding his plants chemicals instead of organic soil nutrition he is actually producing plants that are so inferior in health that their natural immune system is too low to protect themselves from diseases and insects...so the dumb farmer has to use more chemicals and insecticides to even produce a decent crop.
To make matters even worse, weeds will develop a resistance to those herbicides and come back worse than before and other weeds will come along that are not effected by the herbicides.
This continues on and on until his soil is nothing but useless dust with no top soil at all and the first drought that comes along, nothing is grown and he and his farm is totally destroyed. Anyone who declares war against God and nature will be destroyed because they have refused to work with their own Creator.
I could not figure out why a farmer was dumb. Now that I am a lot older I can certainly see the reason why there are a lot of dumb farmers in America.
What kind of a farmer would destroy the very land he is farming?
That's the type of farmer who does not work with nature, but actually works against nature. That is the kind of farmer who fertilizes with chemicals and tries to control 'weeds with herbicides' and 'insects with insecticides.'
What kind of a farmer would actually dump poison on his own land and crops?
A dumb farmer.
What kind of a farmer would dump chemicals on his land?
A dumb farmer.
A dumb farmer is the kind of farmer who thinks it is too hard to study the natural way to farm so he takes the 'quick and dirty' way to produce crops.
Little does he care that his produce is much inferior than those who work with nature.
Little does he care that the nutrition in his crops cheats his customers out of much needed nutrition.
Little does he care that the insecticides on his crops are causing cancer and all manner of disease to his customers as long as he can make money at it.
He is so dumb that in the process of feeding his plants chemicals instead of organic soil nutrition he is actually producing plants that are so inferior in health that their natural immune system is too low to protect themselves from diseases and insects...so the dumb farmer has to use more chemicals and insecticides to even produce a decent crop.
To make matters even worse, weeds will develop a resistance to those herbicides and come back worse than before and other weeds will come along that are not effected by the herbicides.
This continues on and on until his soil is nothing but useless dust with no top soil at all and the first drought that comes along, nothing is grown and he and his farm is totally destroyed. Anyone who declares war against God and nature will be destroyed because they have refused to work with their own Creator.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Union Busting
The only union busting going on is by the unions themselves. Unions are important when used properly but turn bad when they demand more than what they can actually get. States are running out of money, it's as simple as that.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Creative Printing
Are you tired of your own body? Would you like a new one? O.K. - just print yourself a new one.
The Sounds of Silence
The only reason why this nation will fail is because those who want to save America just say nothing.
America's Saviour
There are several people running for president this time around but there is only one who can save America.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Get Out Now
If you have money in any European bank you had better be careful.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Lost Loves
Just in case you don't realize that animals have feelings, check this out.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Common Sense
Is it possible to install common sense in our government?
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Warnings Are Everywhere
Thank God and technology for the Internet. We, the people of this earth now have at our finger tips, knowledge far beyond previous generations have every had. Because if this massive source of information, we can now, in a short period of time, research any subject in the world and become fully prepared for the coming world changes which are now unfolding.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Desperate People
Some people are becoming so desperate that they will sometimes do the opposite of what most people do.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Evil Rioters?
The evil rioters? - speak for themselves why they riot.
The Evil FDA
Just how evil is the FDA? See for yourself.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Basic Cause of Disease
In the past 20 years I have read over 100 books and hundreds of articles on health and I have discovered that all illness and disease are really caused by the 'same basic reason.'
When we were born (most of us) had a perfect little body that was very clean and we were healthy. As we grew up, that changed because of the food and liquids that was put into our bodies. If all of 'that' was the right kind of a diet, then we would still be very healthy. If not, then our health would suffer and so would we.
We were all created by God and since God is not stupid, he also created food for us to eat. God created fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. as food for us. Then companies came along and took what God made, screwed it all up, processed all the nutrients out of it, put it in fancy packages, ran flashy TV adds on that stuff and people have left God and now worship companies much to their destruction.
Since God is our Creator, only He knows how to create food for our benefit and health. Companies will never be smarter than God so most foods made by companies do not belong in our bodies any more than kerosene belongs in our gas tank.
God also made herbs for us for medicine but drug companies came along and created drugs for us and since they will never be smarter than God, we will never get well using drugs. Why is this so? Because drugs are unnatural and the human body will treat drugs as dangerous invaders. Drugs will never make us well and are not made for that purpose anyway because if the drug companies could actually heal us, that would put them out of business. Do you think they are going to do that?
Think of our bodies as containers filled with the good and bad things put into it. Now, the only way we can ever be healthy is to get 'all the bad stuff out' and start 'putting good stuff in.'
When we eat food, it passes through our bodies and is processed so that all nutrients, that the body can use, is removed and delivered to the cells. The rest is sent to the colon for final removal from our bodies. The colon cannot completely clean itself especially since our diets are usually far from perfect.
There is 'very great disagreement' on this subject and most doctors DO NOT want you to find any natural way to help yourself, because that takes business away from them.
There are many different ways to clean the colon, but water, in the form of enemas and colonics will always be the most natural way.
When we were born (most of us) had a perfect little body that was very clean and we were healthy. As we grew up, that changed because of the food and liquids that was put into our bodies. If all of 'that' was the right kind of a diet, then we would still be very healthy. If not, then our health would suffer and so would we.
We were all created by God and since God is not stupid, he also created food for us to eat. God created fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc. as food for us. Then companies came along and took what God made, screwed it all up, processed all the nutrients out of it, put it in fancy packages, ran flashy TV adds on that stuff and people have left God and now worship companies much to their destruction.
Since God is our Creator, only He knows how to create food for our benefit and health. Companies will never be smarter than God so most foods made by companies do not belong in our bodies any more than kerosene belongs in our gas tank.
God also made herbs for us for medicine but drug companies came along and created drugs for us and since they will never be smarter than God, we will never get well using drugs. Why is this so? Because drugs are unnatural and the human body will treat drugs as dangerous invaders. Drugs will never make us well and are not made for that purpose anyway because if the drug companies could actually heal us, that would put them out of business. Do you think they are going to do that?
Think of our bodies as containers filled with the good and bad things put into it. Now, the only way we can ever be healthy is to get 'all the bad stuff out' and start 'putting good stuff in.'
When we eat food, it passes through our bodies and is processed so that all nutrients, that the body can use, is removed and delivered to the cells. The rest is sent to the colon for final removal from our bodies. The colon cannot completely clean itself especially since our diets are usually far from perfect.
There is 'very great disagreement' on this subject and most doctors DO NOT want you to find any natural way to help yourself, because that takes business away from them.
There are many different ways to clean the colon, but water, in the form of enemas and colonics will always be the most natural way.
Monday, August 8, 2011
God Will Test You
What if Jehovih told you to kill your child, would you do it?
A Great Leader forth of China was tested in this manner.
7. And God came to Po, saying: What is the extent of thy fidelity to the All Highest Light?
8. Po said: I will obey him in all things.
9. God said: Wouldst thou sacrifice thy three sons, if commanded by thy Creator?
10. Po said: They are the Creator's, not mine. How dare I sacrifice that which is another's?
11. God said: Thou art wise; thou knowest the Ormazdian law.
What does all of this mean? It means this. Even if the Creator tells you to do something that you know is wrong, you don't do it. Why? Because, how do you KNOW it really is the Creator and not any evil spirit trying to fool you.
A Great Leader forth of China was tested in this manner.
7. And God came to Po, saying: What is the extent of thy fidelity to the All Highest Light?
8. Po said: I will obey him in all things.
9. God said: Wouldst thou sacrifice thy three sons, if commanded by thy Creator?
10. Po said: They are the Creator's, not mine. How dare I sacrifice that which is another's?
11. God said: Thou art wise; thou knowest the Ormazdian law.
What does all of this mean? It means this. Even if the Creator tells you to do something that you know is wrong, you don't do it. Why? Because, how do you KNOW it really is the Creator and not any evil spirit trying to fool you.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
The Rawesome Food Raid
America used to be a free country. NO MORE! It is now run by bad companies buying off politicians who support bad companies. If this is not stopped, they will kill all of us.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Truth About Milk
The milk of each species, was design by God for the 'young of that species' and not for any other species, nor for the adults of any species.
For Instance:
The milk from a cow was designed by God for calves and not for goats or colts or any other species. Other species can survive and grow to adulthood on the milk of another species but 'not as well' as the milk from their own species.
Now concerning human adults consuming milk:
When was the last time you saw a cow, suckle on another cow's tits or a mare's tits? You would be rather shocked if you did see that happen.
Why? Because this is not the natural thing to do. In nature, it is unnatural for any adult 'of any species' to consume the milk of any species.
So why does man drink milk 'as an adult' and also drinks the milk of another species (a cow) and not his own species (a woman)? A man certainly would not suckle on the tits of a cow or the breast of a human female for milk.
Concerning natural milk and unnatural milk. The milk produced by an animal is 'natural' as long as that animal consumes food and water that it would consume in the wild that God created for it, specifically vegetation that grows up from the ground in the form of grasses, weeds, herbs etc. and is not injected with hormones or drugs of any kind and is not heated or altered in any way. When humans consume milk from animals in this condition, it becomes basically a wholesome and healthy food when consumed along with a vegetarian diet.
Remember, all animal food has NO fiber and therefore can contribute to constipation. Milk is a 'liquid solid' and when made into cheeses those become very constipating. That is the reason a person consuming animal foods definitely should include raw nuts, raw vegetables, raw fruits, raw seeds and legumes in their diet because all of these are high in fiber.
The milk and flesh from an animal becomes unnatural and quite unhealthy when animals are fed an unnatural diet and pumped full of antibiotics, drugs, hormones, etc. and even worse when the milk from these animals is heated to kill enzymes and other forms of nutrition and then homogenized to make a 'product of a factory' instead of a 'Creation of God'.
Man will never be smarter than God but instead keeps screwing up what God has made.
We are told by the Dairy Industry that 'milk does a body good'. That's true as long as it is milk that in NOT produced by the Dairy Industry. The only milk and milk products fit for human consumption is that which comes from cows raised on organic food that is natural to them and where none of the milk or products were made where heat was applied. Also, the farmer producing that milk and products must follow very clean practices so that none of that milk or milk products becomes contaminated by feces and also not allowed to stay warm but put under refrigeration soon after milking.
I spent four of my teenager years from age 12 to 16 on a family farm in Wisconsin just a short distance from Knapp. When driving from Knapp to Menomonie, look on your right and when you see a long county road going back to a farm, with a hill to the left of the barn, that was our farm. My parents paid $5,000.00 cash for that farm in 1945.
Cows will sometime lay down on manure getting that on their udders and tits. Before we ever started milking any cow, we cleaned off the udders and tits to make sure they were clean before we would milk them. Also, as soon as a milk can was full of milk, it was place in a big water tank to cool it down. This was way back in 1945 thru 1949 and no farmer had walk-in refrigeration at that time. None of us ever got sick from that milk or the buttermilk and cheeses my mom made from that milk and that was two adults and five kids.
To hear the Dairy Industry tell it, humans need milk for strong bones, teeth and on and on. If milk was so necessary for health, then why don't cows drink milk? When eating grass, weeds and herbs they do just fine and end up with strong bones, teeth etc. As a matter of fact, some of the largest and strongest animals on earth are vegetarians. You will say that we humans can't digest grass that animals eat, which is true, but there are many different kinds of grasses and it is a well know fact that cereal grasses, like wheat grass is actually a [super food] ingested by millions all over the world.
Man will never be smarter that God.
How can the [Created] be greater that the Creator?
Is a house greater than he who built it?
Our Creator is 'Infinite' we are finite.
We are limited, He is not Limited.
We are at a certain place at a certain time. He is everywhere at the same instant.
We only know our own thoughts, he knows everybody's thoughts at all times.
We can travel at certain speeds to where we want to go. He is everywhere at all times.
He is the LIFE in all of us and every living thing in all the Universe.
We live on a certain planet called the Red Star. He is the power that created the planets in all the Universe that are so many, they are without number.
For Instance:
The milk from a cow was designed by God for calves and not for goats or colts or any other species. Other species can survive and grow to adulthood on the milk of another species but 'not as well' as the milk from their own species.
Now concerning human adults consuming milk:
When was the last time you saw a cow, suckle on another cow's tits or a mare's tits? You would be rather shocked if you did see that happen.
Why? Because this is not the natural thing to do. In nature, it is unnatural for any adult 'of any species' to consume the milk of any species.
So why does man drink milk 'as an adult' and also drinks the milk of another species (a cow) and not his own species (a woman)? A man certainly would not suckle on the tits of a cow or the breast of a human female for milk.
Concerning natural milk and unnatural milk. The milk produced by an animal is 'natural' as long as that animal consumes food and water that it would consume in the wild that God created for it, specifically vegetation that grows up from the ground in the form of grasses, weeds, herbs etc. and is not injected with hormones or drugs of any kind and is not heated or altered in any way. When humans consume milk from animals in this condition, it becomes basically a wholesome and healthy food when consumed along with a vegetarian diet.
Remember, all animal food has NO fiber and therefore can contribute to constipation. Milk is a 'liquid solid' and when made into cheeses those become very constipating. That is the reason a person consuming animal foods definitely should include raw nuts, raw vegetables, raw fruits, raw seeds and legumes in their diet because all of these are high in fiber.
The milk and flesh from an animal becomes unnatural and quite unhealthy when animals are fed an unnatural diet and pumped full of antibiotics, drugs, hormones, etc. and even worse when the milk from these animals is heated to kill enzymes and other forms of nutrition and then homogenized to make a 'product of a factory' instead of a 'Creation of God'.
Man will never be smarter than God but instead keeps screwing up what God has made.
We are told by the Dairy Industry that 'milk does a body good'. That's true as long as it is milk that in NOT produced by the Dairy Industry. The only milk and milk products fit for human consumption is that which comes from cows raised on organic food that is natural to them and where none of the milk or products were made where heat was applied. Also, the farmer producing that milk and products must follow very clean practices so that none of that milk or milk products becomes contaminated by feces and also not allowed to stay warm but put under refrigeration soon after milking.
I spent four of my teenager years from age 12 to 16 on a family farm in Wisconsin just a short distance from Knapp. When driving from Knapp to Menomonie, look on your right and when you see a long county road going back to a farm, with a hill to the left of the barn, that was our farm. My parents paid $5,000.00 cash for that farm in 1945.
Cows will sometime lay down on manure getting that on their udders and tits. Before we ever started milking any cow, we cleaned off the udders and tits to make sure they were clean before we would milk them. Also, as soon as a milk can was full of milk, it was place in a big water tank to cool it down. This was way back in 1945 thru 1949 and no farmer had walk-in refrigeration at that time. None of us ever got sick from that milk or the buttermilk and cheeses my mom made from that milk and that was two adults and five kids.
To hear the Dairy Industry tell it, humans need milk for strong bones, teeth and on and on. If milk was so necessary for health, then why don't cows drink milk? When eating grass, weeds and herbs they do just fine and end up with strong bones, teeth etc. As a matter of fact, some of the largest and strongest animals on earth are vegetarians. You will say that we humans can't digest grass that animals eat, which is true, but there are many different kinds of grasses and it is a well know fact that cereal grasses, like wheat grass is actually a [super food] ingested by millions all over the world.
Man will never be smarter that God.
How can the [Created] be greater that the Creator?
Is a house greater than he who built it?
Our Creator is 'Infinite' we are finite.
We are limited, He is not Limited.
We are at a certain place at a certain time. He is everywhere at the same instant.
We only know our own thoughts, he knows everybody's thoughts at all times.
We can travel at certain speeds to where we want to go. He is everywhere at all times.
He is the LIFE in all of us and every living thing in all the Universe.
We live on a certain planet called the Red Star. He is the power that created the planets in all the Universe that are so many, they are without number.
Dangerous Criminals?
Who are the dangerous criminals anyway?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Something Sinister
Something very sinister and potentially quite evil is happening inside of America.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Is Cancer Cureable?
Of course it is. Everything is possible, IF YOU KNOW HOW. Everything is easy once you know how. Did you know you can open a bottle of beer with a sheet of paper? I can do that. Anytime any doctor tells you that your condition is incurable, you will know you are dealing with an ignorant person.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Global Banking Crises?
Banks have lent a ton of money to countries that can NEVER pay it back. How safe is your money in your bank?
The Great Destroyers
The average person who spends over four hours everyday watching the Boob Tube has no idea what is really going on in the world and is totally unprepared to handle those forces out to destroy them.
Monday, August 1, 2011
The World Owes The World
How can the world get itself out of debt with paper money?
Can Gold be Used as Money?
What is the truth about gold and paper money anyway?
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Do It Right The First Time
A well known saying is: 'If a job is worth doing, do it right the first time' and you can save yourself a lot of trouble, embarrassment and ridicule.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wanna Lose Your Mind?
You can also lose your health and the health of your family too.
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Incompetent President
President, what President, who needs him anyway?
Friday, July 22, 2011
Doctors Will Kill You
Who kills, yes kills, more people in the USA than anyone else.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Chemotherapy is Poison
Why does the medical industry try to cure cancer with poison? Because they make tons of money that way and they know it won't cure you because if it did, they would have no more sick and very stupid people to make money off of.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Got Enough Rope?
It is a well known fact, that if you give a fool enough rope, he will hang himself.
Liar, Liar Pants On Fire
When I was a kid and when somebody said something that was not true, we would respond with 'Liar, liar pants on fire.'
Monday, July 18, 2011
God Judges Governments
What does God say about the Governments of man in Oahspe?
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 34
1. GOD said: When a man hath young children, he maketh just laws, in order to teach them discretion, justice, harmony and consideration, in regard to one another.
2. But, when his children attain to be men and women, man no longer holdeth a law over them, for they become his equals, as brothers and sisters.
3. Even so, in the ancient times, provided I thee, O man, with governments and laws for different nations and peoples.
4. Nevertheless, I said unto thee: Let thy government be as a father over the people, and not as a separate matter against them.
5. But thou hast disobeyed my commandments; thy government is as one thing, and thy people as another thing. That which should be one entity, thou hast made into two.
6. Thy government hath become a separate self from the people; and the people are as servants, supporting the law-makers, who trade in projects and schemes for their own profit and glory.
7. Since the earliest days, all the governments of man have drifted into this.
8. When a government no longer filleth the grade, according to the advancement of the people, behold, thy God withdraweth his heavenly protection from that government. And, straightway, the people run into anarchy.
9. Lay not the blame of anarchy and revolution and assassinations on the people; my judgment is against the government in all cases. These conditions of vengeance are but the fruit resulting from the government's divergence from the will of Jehovih, and the march of His light.
10. As, for example, the offspring of inharmonious parents, or of parents wrapt up in selfishness, are lower in grade than their predecessors, even so do the subjects of a king decline in grade in proportion to the prevention of liberty and the neglect of general instruction.
11. Judgment is rendered against government wherein it provideth not liberty to the people, and neglecteth providing means for the development of the talents created with all.
12. In these respects, O man, governments are measured and graded by thy God. And, whenever a government setteth up itself to enforce and strengthen itself by violence against justice unto the multitude, behold, I turn away from that government; and I call away my Lords and holy angels.
13. And, thereupon, drujas come upon that people, and the people fall upon their government, and destroy it.
14. If a government be a king only, and he have no holy council, then the responsibility of the shortness is wholly his.
15. But, if the king have a holy council, then the responsibility for shortness lieth partly with the king and partly with the council.
16. Judgment is rendered against them, not only in this world, but in the es world. And each and every member of such council shall be bound in the first resurrection until he hath made amends unto all his people for the shortness he manifested on the earth.
17. Hear the wisdom of thy God, O man, and consider the way of righteousness in the governments of mortals:
18. The nearer the twain are to being one, that is, the government and the people, the nearer they are like unto my heavenly kingdoms.
19. The more diverse the government is from the people, the farther it is from the kingdom of thy God.
20. Let this be a guide unto thee, O man, in prophesying the change and the overthrow of governments: According to the square of the distance a government is from Jehovih, so is the quickness of its coming change or destruction.
21. Think not these matters are governed by chance or accident: Jehovih is Perfect Righteousness: the all Everlasting.
22. He is All One. For a people and their government to attain to be all one with each other, this is great strength, with a long existence and internal peace.
23. This, also, shalt thou consider, O man: All governments are tending toward oneness with one another. This is the march of Jehovih. None can stay Him.
24. Consider, then, what is wisdom between governments: To make themselves reciprocal toward one another.
25. A government that setteth up itself for itself, and against other governments, is a selfish government. And thy God rateth it the same as a selfish man, being diverse from Jehovih and his kingdoms.
26. Judgment is rendered against such a government. Neither my Lords nor my holy angels shall bless that government.
27. Governments that practice affiliation, to bring about reciprocal brotherhoods between governments, are on the right road toward the Father's everlasting kingdoms.
28. Flatter not thyself, O man, that these matters can escape the observation of thy God. The affairs, legislations, laws, treaties, and all things whatsoever that governments accomplish, are known and recorded in the heavens of the earth. And the leaders, kings and councils, shall, soon or late, face them; and they shall judge of their own fullness or shortness in serving Jehovih in righteousness and wisdom.
The Book of Judgement
Chapter 34
1. GOD said: When a man hath young children, he maketh just laws, in order to teach them discretion, justice, harmony and consideration, in regard to one another.
2. But, when his children attain to be men and women, man no longer holdeth a law over them, for they become his equals, as brothers and sisters.
3. Even so, in the ancient times, provided I thee, O man, with governments and laws for different nations and peoples.
4. Nevertheless, I said unto thee: Let thy government be as a father over the people, and not as a separate matter against them.
5. But thou hast disobeyed my commandments; thy government is as one thing, and thy people as another thing. That which should be one entity, thou hast made into two.
6. Thy government hath become a separate self from the people; and the people are as servants, supporting the law-makers, who trade in projects and schemes for their own profit and glory.
7. Since the earliest days, all the governments of man have drifted into this.
8. When a government no longer filleth the grade, according to the advancement of the people, behold, thy God withdraweth his heavenly protection from that government. And, straightway, the people run into anarchy.
9. Lay not the blame of anarchy and revolution and assassinations on the people; my judgment is against the government in all cases. These conditions of vengeance are but the fruit resulting from the government's divergence from the will of Jehovih, and the march of His light.
10. As, for example, the offspring of inharmonious parents, or of parents wrapt up in selfishness, are lower in grade than their predecessors, even so do the subjects of a king decline in grade in proportion to the prevention of liberty and the neglect of general instruction.
11. Judgment is rendered against government wherein it provideth not liberty to the people, and neglecteth providing means for the development of the talents created with all.
12. In these respects, O man, governments are measured and graded by thy God. And, whenever a government setteth up itself to enforce and strengthen itself by violence against justice unto the multitude, behold, I turn away from that government; and I call away my Lords and holy angels.
13. And, thereupon, drujas come upon that people, and the people fall upon their government, and destroy it.
14. If a government be a king only, and he have no holy council, then the responsibility of the shortness is wholly his.
15. But, if the king have a holy council, then the responsibility for shortness lieth partly with the king and partly with the council.
16. Judgment is rendered against them, not only in this world, but in the es world. And each and every member of such council shall be bound in the first resurrection until he hath made amends unto all his people for the shortness he manifested on the earth.
17. Hear the wisdom of thy God, O man, and consider the way of righteousness in the governments of mortals:
18. The nearer the twain are to being one, that is, the government and the people, the nearer they are like unto my heavenly kingdoms.
19. The more diverse the government is from the people, the farther it is from the kingdom of thy God.
20. Let this be a guide unto thee, O man, in prophesying the change and the overthrow of governments: According to the square of the distance a government is from Jehovih, so is the quickness of its coming change or destruction.
21. Think not these matters are governed by chance or accident: Jehovih is Perfect Righteousness: the all Everlasting.
22. He is All One. For a people and their government to attain to be all one with each other, this is great strength, with a long existence and internal peace.
23. This, also, shalt thou consider, O man: All governments are tending toward oneness with one another. This is the march of Jehovih. None can stay Him.
24. Consider, then, what is wisdom between governments: To make themselves reciprocal toward one another.
25. A government that setteth up itself for itself, and against other governments, is a selfish government. And thy God rateth it the same as a selfish man, being diverse from Jehovih and his kingdoms.
26. Judgment is rendered against such a government. Neither my Lords nor my holy angels shall bless that government.
27. Governments that practice affiliation, to bring about reciprocal brotherhoods between governments, are on the right road toward the Father's everlasting kingdoms.
28. Flatter not thyself, O man, that these matters can escape the observation of thy God. The affairs, legislations, laws, treaties, and all things whatsoever that governments accomplish, are known and recorded in the heavens of the earth. And the leaders, kings and councils, shall, soon or late, face them; and they shall judge of their own fullness or shortness in serving Jehovih in righteousness and wisdom.
Walking On Water?
According to the Christian new testament, Jesus walked on water. So what, here is a guy who rode his bicycle on water.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Criminals In Charge
Why don't they just play by the rules.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead?
If you are fat, sick and nearly dead, then so will be the kids you raise. If you don't give a damn about yourself, what about your kids?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Drug Pusher Confesses
All drugs are dangerous, every single one of them.
Friday, July 8, 2011
ATF Agents Talk
ATF weapons showing up in Arizona.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Free Energy?
There is no doubt that the world desperately needs all the energy it can get and most people in the world would like for the whole world to get away from fossil fuels that produce so much dirt we have to breath. Well, it looks like it has come around after all. Check this and this and here and here.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Who Is The Enemy After All?
The more I dig into the destruction of the Twin Towers, the more I realize that the American people have not been told the truth at all. For those of you who have careers in the USAF, this should get you to thinking that same question.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Gitmo Torture Exposed
Breaking: Finally, shocking proof concerning the horrible torture going on at Gitmo.
Checkout item number 5.
Checkout item number 5.
Helmet Laws
Damn those helmet laws anyway...who needs them?
Saturday, July 2, 2011
What Are We Anyway?
Freedom is NOT free, we must fight for it or lose it.
Unusual Performer
This guy is a doggone good crooner.
Friday, July 1, 2011
You Won't Believe This
Of all the videos I have seen about the destruction of the Twin Towers, this is the greatest SHOCKER of them all.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Dangerous Threats to America
What is the most dangerous threats to the United States? China? North Korea? Iran? Venezuela? Russia? No, none of them at all. The most dangerous threats to America is enemy number one and enemy number two.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Water, Water Everywhere?
Yeh, water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink....unless you pay for it.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Great Speeches
Our president has given a lot of speeches but this one has to be the best of them all.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Stupid Economics
Would you like to know just how stupid our Great Leader IS!
Go Girl Go
I hope these females absolutely drive those crazy control freaks out of their minds.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Don't Feed The Squirrels
My landlord is adamant when he says,'Don't feed the squirrels.' Why so? Because, he says, they could bite you. Well, I didn't pay any attention until one day I had my door and screen door open and in comes this squirrel, right into my living room. Scared the crap out of me. Luckily I chased him out. If a squirrel ever gets in your house, you can have one heck of a problem to deal with.
When you feed wild animals, they get dependent on you and can actually attack you if you suddenly stop. It is not a good idea to get anybody dependent on you because if you try to cut back or stop they can get pretty darn mad at you.
When you feed wild animals, they get dependent on you and can actually attack you if you suddenly stop. It is not a good idea to get anybody dependent on you because if you try to cut back or stop they can get pretty darn mad at you.
China's Hell
It is absolutely impossible to 'bottle up' and suppress a people's right to freedom. Why do the stupid control freaks think they can suppress people forever. Sooner or later the whole country explodes.
Cheap Europeans
Personally, I am sick and tired of the American people getting ripped off by foreigners, especially the ones who act like they are our friends and are not.
The only friends we have are the ones we BUY anyway. They are like whores who [put out] only when paid.
I am fed up with this war business and we should get out of all wars as soon as possible. 'To hell with war' which is nothing but hell anyway. I stand strong for national DEFENSE and against all offense unless we have no other choice.
The only friends we have are the ones we BUY anyway. They are like whores who [put out] only when paid.
I am fed up with this war business and we should get out of all wars as soon as possible. 'To hell with war' which is nothing but hell anyway. I stand strong for national DEFENSE and against all offense unless we have no other choice.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The Crazy Man?
A lot of people said Glenn Beck was crazy. He got kicked off Fox because he was just too blunt and honest for a lot of their advertisers. Well, Glenn Beck has just started his own TV network and he is out to change America. I wished more people were 'crazy' like him.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Shocking News
When I look around the world, I see that mankind has unlimited potential for peace, security and a great opportunity for a thriving and unlimited future and for us to have a wonderful life and it is always spoiled by the evil forces in mankind itself.
The evil religions destroy, the evil greed destroys, the evil desires destroy and on and on. The Creator gave us this planet to live in peace, but man's evil side destroys our chances to be safe and secure every single time.
The evil religions destroy, the evil greed destroys, the evil desires destroy and on and on. The Creator gave us this planet to live in peace, but man's evil side destroys our chances to be safe and secure every single time.
European Hell
Is somebody deliberately trying to kill Europeans? I had trouble getting sick with e.coli lots of times before I started using this. Since then I have never gotten sick because I use that on all fruits and vegetables, organic or not. Before that, when I did get sick I always took this to kill all viruses and germs making me ill.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Total Destruction
When the twin towers were destroyed, were they destroyed by those airplanes ALONE or did those airplanes have a lot of help?
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Mean Guy (Satire)
About the meanest thing you can do is to torture some poor defenseless animal.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Arizona Rises Again
If you don't want flies, remove what attracts them, it's that simple. Because this ruling came down from the United States Federal Supreme court, this settles the whole issue for every other state in the Union.
This is a huge victory for America and will stop any other illegal person from entering the U.S. who is seeking a job. Finally something really concrete was done for our immigration problem. That court ruling is as good as any fence for stopping illegal jobs seekers but still does not stop the illegal drug problem and gangs that are now operating in all states in the union and does not stop terrorists from coming in.
This is a huge victory for America and will stop any other illegal person from entering the U.S. who is seeking a job. Finally something really concrete was done for our immigration problem. That court ruling is as good as any fence for stopping illegal jobs seekers but still does not stop the illegal drug problem and gangs that are now operating in all states in the union and does not stop terrorists from coming in.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Disgusting Criminals
There is [no more worst crime] that you can ever commit, than to sell Bunny Rabbits.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Heh Dad!
How would you feel if some strangers were feeling up your daughter at the High School Prom?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Warning: Shrinking Military
I knew this was going to happen because the United States just cannot keep up this policy of trying to run the whole world on a military foundation. We have way too many bases and way too many personal station all over the world. Enough already.
Warning: Zombies Coming
We have been warned that we are about to be attacked by ZOMBIES. Here is how to tell a Zombie from a 'normal person' and how to deal with Zombies.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Choose Thou: God or Hell
God says in Oahspe that we are [What we eat and what we think]. Jehovih says: 'It is Me or Hell.' Gods' diet will take you to heaven....Junk food will take you to hell.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Are You a Boob Tube Moron?
Take this little quiz to see if your brain is active or dead.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
The Liberal College Scam
Does it make sense to spend four or more years in college if you end up with thousands of dollars of DEBT?
Stupid City Kids
It is totally shocking just how ignorant some city kids are concerning where food actually comes from. I read a story once where this Dad took his kids out in the bush
(wilds) and when they came upon some berries. The Dad told the kids to pick and eat some. The kids would not eat the berries, because they said 'it didn't come in plastic.'
On a blog here recently I read where someone had posted this comment:
"To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed."
(wilds) and when they came upon some berries. The Dad told the kids to pick and eat some. The kids would not eat the berries, because they said 'it didn't come in plastic.'
On a blog here recently I read where someone had posted this comment:
"To all you hunters who kill animals for food, shame on you; you ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed."
Friday, May 13, 2011
Stupid Professors
A professor is nothing more than a person who learned what they know from other people and books. So why go 'tens of thousands of dollars in debt' when you can just teach yourself. This is a direct quote from http://www.inflation.us/ that has an upcoming
hour-long documentary called the 'College Conspiracy'. Sign up to view this video free.
We need to begin teaching our youth from a very early age that the key to having a successful career is not attending college, but is thinking outside of the box. Since it is now possible to acquire used college textbooks for practically nothing, instead of getting deeply into debt to attend college for a degree that is worthless because everybody else has one, students should acquire college textbooks in the field of their choice and begin reading them. Students who are motivated with a strong desire to build a successful career can self-educate themselves. Most college professors failed to make a living in the field that they teach, which is why they became professors. Therefore, students are not missing out on anything by not having a professor there to teach them the same information they can learn on their own.
hour-long documentary called the 'College Conspiracy'. Sign up to view this video free.
We need to begin teaching our youth from a very early age that the key to having a successful career is not attending college, but is thinking outside of the box. Since it is now possible to acquire used college textbooks for practically nothing, instead of getting deeply into debt to attend college for a degree that is worthless because everybody else has one, students should acquire college textbooks in the field of their choice and begin reading them. Students who are motivated with a strong desire to build a successful career can self-educate themselves. Most college professors failed to make a living in the field that they teach, which is why they became professors. Therefore, students are not missing out on anything by not having a professor there to teach them the same information they can learn on their own.
Mouse Space Ship
Use your 'Mouse Space Ship' to travel to distant planets.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Food Shocker
Did you know that there are farmers, right here in America, that will NOT eat the same stuff they sell to YOU?
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
The Osama bin Laden Coup
Killing Osama bin Laden was only a part of what has been accomplished in his death. It is the decapitation of al Qaeda. OBL was the heart, soul and head of that movement and will never be the same again. Osama was running the whole operation from that 'hell hole' he and his captives lived in. The U.S. has now ALL of his data on all operations and all his operatives. Their entire cover has been BLOWN. Every single one of his loyal followers know their cover is taken off and they might as well give up.
Also...we now know that the Pakistanis were also playing a double game with us and the terrorist and they have been caught red handed and the whole world knows what the truth is now.
Also...we now know that the Pakistanis were also playing a double game with us and the terrorist and they have been caught red handed and the whole world knows what the truth is now.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Ultimate Scumbag Coward
What kind of a man would actually use his own wife as a human shield.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
How To Get Rich In One Minute
I am now going to tell you how to get rich in one minute...the time it takes to read these instructions.
1. Get a source of income like a job to support yourself.
2. Do not buy a house but rent, because it is cheaper and you know exactly what your costs will be.
3. Live as cheap as you possibly can. Read anything you can find in books and articles on economizing like only buy used stuff at garage sales, etc. and nothing new. Find the sheer joy in seeing just how much you can save on everything instead of throwing your money away on momentary pleasures, etc.
5. Never eat out, or go to movies, or go on vacations, etc.
6. Do not buy a new vehicle. Buy something about 10 years old, take care of it yourself as much as you can. Choose a mechanic who has gone to school to fix it for you and stay with him so that he has experience on your vehicle.
7. Under no circumstance borrow any money. Go cash only.
8. Read every book and article you can get your hands on concerning how to get rich, how to invest, etc.
9. Finally, forget about any 'get rich schemes'. 99% of them are fakes, so why waste time on that.
1. Get a source of income like a job to support yourself.
2. Do not buy a house but rent, because it is cheaper and you know exactly what your costs will be.
3. Live as cheap as you possibly can. Read anything you can find in books and articles on economizing like only buy used stuff at garage sales, etc. and nothing new. Find the sheer joy in seeing just how much you can save on everything instead of throwing your money away on momentary pleasures, etc.
5. Never eat out, or go to movies, or go on vacations, etc.
6. Do not buy a new vehicle. Buy something about 10 years old, take care of it yourself as much as you can. Choose a mechanic who has gone to school to fix it for you and stay with him so that he has experience on your vehicle.
7. Under no circumstance borrow any money. Go cash only.
8. Read every book and article you can get your hands on concerning how to get rich, how to invest, etc.
9. Finally, forget about any 'get rich schemes'. 99% of them are fakes, so why waste time on that.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
War Is Hell
Many years ago, our forefathers came to this far off land to escape the tyranny of religious oppression. They wanted to be free of trouble but trouble came to us. We were attack by foreigners and had to defend ourselves but in the process of defending ourselves we have hurt a lot of innocent people in the process. When will the hell of war ever end.
Stupid Liberals
Without a doubt, liberals really believe that by taxing the rich, we can actually run this country. It is SOOOO easy to shoot off one's stupid mouth, but let's look at the facts instead.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Our Next President?
Donald Trump has attracted a lot of attention lately as he considers running for president. This upcoming election is promising to be VERY interesting. I personally do not like politicians and he is 'no politician.' I also do not like a candidate that sticks their religion in your face and all of the other candidates have done just that. Trump is a no-nonsense kind of a person who is not the kind who beats around the bush when answering questions. Our nation is headed for economic disaster unless someone can put us on the right tract. As a businessman, he could probably do O.K. Anyway, based on what I know right now, I would vote for him over all the others.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Housing Crises
Is the housing crises over? Not by an long shot.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
FDA 'Control Freak' Insanity
Did you know that the FDA says that YOU have no right to choose what you want to eat unless they say you can?
Unemployment Rate
The Government says that the unemployment rate has dropped to 8.8%. Here is a man who says that is just Government bullshit (but not is those exact words).
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Here is a guy with 'balls' and he sure knows how to use them.
States: Go to Hell Fed
It's happening more and more...States are telling the Feds to leave them alone.
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Price of Oil
Where do you think the price of oil will go in the next few years? If what I am about to show you actually can work, it could be....that it will go to ZERO!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Look Out Below
No security or commodity goes up in a straight line and they also do not go up forever. That is the reason a person had better understand charting. As far as gold and silver are concerned, they also will have their ups and downs BUT, gold and silver will become more and more important as time goes on.
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